Thx for the reply. That's interesting - I wonder where I'm going wrong?
I'm using DzHGroupBox boxes for each row inside a DzVGroupBox. Perhaps I should be looking at using something else to create two columns within a DzVGroupBox to avoid those horizontal lines between the comboboxes...
There is a recent changelog note that an a styling issue with flat group boxes has been fixed You preumably are seeing the issue that has now been fixed.
Sorry to necro an old thread, but I'm hitting this same issue:
wSubDInfoBox.flat = true; for (i=0 ; i < aMeshes.length ; i++) { // GroupBox wSubDInfoLine = new DzHGroupBox( wSubDInfoBox ); wSubDInfoLine.flat = true; // Label var wMeshSubDInfo = new DzLabel( wSubDInfoLine ); sMeshSubDInfo = aMeshes[i][2]// + ' ' + aMeshes[i][3] wMeshSubDInfo.text = sMeshSubDInfo; wMeshSubDInfo.flat = true // ComboBox wSubDComboBox = new DzComboBox( wSubDInfoLine ) wSubDComboBox.maxWidth = 200 wSubDComboBox.flat = true wSubDComboBox.addItems['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'] ( j ) wSubDComboBox.currentItem = aMeshes[i][3] }
wSubDInfoBox.flat = true; for (i=0 ; i < aMeshes.length ; i++) { wSubDInfoLine = new DzHGroupBox( wSubDInfoBox ); wSubDInfoLine.flat = true; }
Any help gratefully received!
Works for me as I would expect it to. First normal, next with flat = true;
Thx for the reply. That's interesting - I wonder where I'm going wrong?
I'm using DzHGroupBox boxes for each row inside a DzVGroupBox. Perhaps I should be looking at using something else to create two columns within a DzVGroupBox to avoid those horizontal lines between the comboboxes...
Did you ever get this to work?
Still looking for a way to cleanup these line and get this out to users. Anyone had any success in getting the mbuttons flat again.

For all intent and purpose. I guess I should say that the boxes can get flat but the buttons dont.
var wWebBtn = new DzPushButton( wOptionPage );
wWebBtn.flat = true;
wWebBtn.text = "Info & Web Help";
connect( wWebBtn, "clicked()", Web );