Fibermesh Hair (obj) fit to g3f (HOW?)

Hey guys,
i worked a lil bit with Zbrush. I Try to make some Fibermesh Hair for genesis 3. I want to make something like a cat girl. That means Cat ears, Tail, ans a short fur all over the body. With GoZ i can send it to Daz3d. Than i have an obj file but it just for that current pose. I want to make it like a suit that fits well with all morphs. I tried it with Transfer Utility, but it doesnt worked. I hope someone have an idea how i can do it. Maybe more difficult but really nice when its a dynamic cloth (But i dont know if its possible)
(With transfer utility it only works on litle areas like the ears or the tail but not with the complet body. Morphs checked or unchecked the same resolution. It just distorted.)
Is the figure in its default shape and pose?
No should it be just standart genesis 3 female? I tried it with Lyn cat for g3f couse she have claws and ear morphs.
Ah yes and i tried it with and without sub division level. But it doesnt worked too. I will try it now with the base figure (difficult the ear morphs couse they arnt really the ears=more like horns and no ear morph. Couse inside the ears is white hair and outside black and short fur)
Transfr Utility does have the option to set the Source Shape to your morph, then expand to show more options and enable Reverse Source Shape from Target. That enables to use a morphed base, but it does an extra step of conversion which may produce unsatisfactory results. You can always load your original version as a morph to match the morph used in creation.
Thx i tried it with the base figure and it works well. Okay loos a bit shit on rough morphs where the polys get realy big but thats not a problem. I Unchecked morphs.
I think i make seperate cloth preset for the ears and the tail is already there.
Thanks a lot :)