mesh smoothing is lost
This problems happend only with objects that have smoothing modifier.
After completing or canceling the render(by Ctrl+R), the mesh smoothing is lost. It's come back if i turn off and on "Enable smoothing" checkbox.
Ofcource i can turn on "Intaractive Update", but in this mode posing figure will be so slow and laggy, so that's not good solution.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
Post edited by Onnel on
Is this the current version of Daz Studio,
And it seems to be universal - anything with a Smoothing Modifier shows the effect?
Yeah, it seems about right.
I'm not seeing this - though Mesh Smoothing was initially not updating on the item I loaded to try so i had to remove the Smoothing Modifier and reapply it. Smoothing continued to work after rendering, however.