Ghostlight problem

in New Users
The ghostlights I'm using are and both have the same problem. I have posted a render with ghostlight and other without. How can I solved this? The render without ghostlight looks better than the other. The glossy lips goes when I use ghostlight.

900 x 506 - 153K

common light.png
900 x 506 - 145K
That will happen, ghostlight or not, when you have strong light that washes out details although it would be easiest to suggest improvements if your ghostlight wasn't on the opposite side of your source environmental light. You should put ghost lights in the same general location as your normal enviromental lights to avoid creating a floodlight effect.
Also, I think if you want general indoor ambient light increase with affecting the 'mood created by 'lamps and windows' and such put horizontal ghostlight at the ceiling, not more than 100W and at the windows put vertical ghostlights of not more the 500W although in truth the light coming in windows will be much higher than that.
Both lights are 90k lumen and there is a great difference in loss of detail. I tried with everything you said but the problem persist
Is this a common problem of those types of lights?
Ghost lights are diffuse lighting so won't have the strong impact that spotlights will have on some surfaces. Think more ambient lighting than specular. The lighting in your second picture comes from how the light hits those surfaces and Ghost lights can't do that. Your best bet is to use a combination of both lights to have the best of both worlds. There are some instances when it's good to have just ghost lights in your scene especially if you just want an overall ambient mood but you are going to have to give up some of that specular lighting that helps to create that shine and gloss on the lips and skin.
I would take it as a render by render case but if you want a brighter image with that glossiness on the skin then you are going to need to use both light sets together and figure out how to meld them together for a cohesive lighting setup.
Good luck. :)
It's a problem anytime you artificially boost lights, also in real life. I am using ghost lights in a render now. I have the GhostLights 1 set not the Ghostlights 2 set. KindredArts said he designed GhostLights 2 specifically to alleviate the problem you are having. Why not post your problem to his support thread in the Commons or private message him?
OK, my ghostlight setup was too bright too & I check the emissive setting & they were extremely bright by default so I changed them both from 1500 candelas per square cm to 100W lights. In another words enough to boost the lighting into the scene as acceptable without changing the mood of the default lighting as I positioned the H & V ghostlight where the scene lighting was already coming from.