
in New Users
So I've used Daz to make some very basic models. I've been asked to make an elderly lady. I've downloaded Victoria 4.2 (and morphs) as well as two different aging morph packages. I just can't seem to find them or use them? Any help for this newbie? All I want is an elderly lady!! Is that too much to ask ? :P
Thanks in advance
Can you show us some screen shots of where you're looking? Also what specific products it is you bought and are trying to apply.
I have used V4 & M4 maybe less than a dozen times but I think you need to first use the Power Looader for Victoria 4 and ensure when you load V4.2 /she'll be in 'Smart Content tab' under Figures or she'll be in the 'Content Library tab' under DAZ Content - 'Library' - 'People' - Victoria 4 (I think Victoria but maybe just Victoria 4 or v4). When you click the icon it should bring up a dialogue that is the 'Power Loader' which a bunch of morph products - you need to go through that list and put check marks in all the morphs you want to load. Then after it loads you will find the morph adjustment sliders in the 'Shaping' tab. or the 'Parameters' tab.
I think I'm right but not 100% as I typed this from memory.
Nonesuch is correct. If you have downloaded the V4 Powerloader and "installed" it in your content folder (it is a separate download from the V4 figure), then it should open the dialogue referred to each time you load V4 in a scene. All the V4 morph packages that you have (with the exception of some 3rd party packages) should show in the dialogue.
Alternatively, if you do not have the Powerloader installed, you can still access and apply the morphs from the Content Library tab. Since V4 and associated content are usually Poser format, you should look in the Poser Format category. The morph packages may be found under Poser Formats > 3DContent > Pose > DAZ's Victoria 4 > Morph Injections. With V4 loaded and selected in your scene, just double-click on any or all of the morphs listed to apply them. The corresponding sliders for the morphs should now appear under the parameters tab. Again, some third party morph packages may not show up there (Morphia comes to mind), but they should also be found separately under the Pose category (although anything is possible).