organize content

Is it possible to organize content such as putting all genis2 female items with genis2 female or anything that goes to her alone so items are not everywhere else,or like all weapons in one file or I have many trees in different files can these be put in one place.Can I put content in one file so if I want a dress for say G3 I open dress go to G3 open and all dresses for G3 are there.


  • MarcCCTxMarcCCTx Posts: 926

    Yes. The theme folders at the bottom of the content tabe can be created and named. Then place pointers to whatever you want in each folder. (I'm not at may Creater machine so I can't give you exact names of commands.)

    Basically its a right-click on the folder then crete sub-directory. Then goto whatever you want to put in the folder right-click and (move? <- forget name) including sub-directories to that folder.

  • ok thank you think i figure out just want to know cause didn't want mess anything:)


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