Construction Worker + Accessories

I do a lot of technical drawing for corporations and I am always needing a realistic construction worker uniform/vest and hardhat, flags, barricades and other tools that a construction worker would use. The one hardhat that DAZ does have looks out-dated and not realistic. And, the uniforms I do find are much too sic-fi.
I usually default to finding a photo to reference, but there are hardly any good stock photography of this type, which is why I think this would make a must buy product for DAZ studio, especially if this product was made for Genesis.
Hi !
You right.
I too would like tools and clothing of various crafts and artisans of the distant past : coloring of the fabrics, leather tanning, wool weaving, milking, old shoemaker, manufacture of papyrus, etc .. compatible with DS 4.5 AND 4.0 ...please ...
In the meanwhile, i thank you a lot, DAZ, for all marvelous props and items you propose !
best regards,
Dunno if you are still looking but...
it's an OBJ file but maybe can help.