
I sent this e-mail to tech support and have yet to hear back from them. lets see who can answer faster, the users or the staff. :-)
Quick question. I'm new to Daz Studio as of today. My needs are extremely simple and your software looks like it is capible of doing far more than I need, which is great when I'm ready to move in that direction. For now I just need to be able to pose a figure in a simple pose, export it, open it in Form-Z and place it in my scene. When I pose the figure and export as OBJ it imports into Form-Z great but is a train wreck when I hidden line render it. However when I export as an FBX file. it hidden lines great BUT... when I import the FBX file the figure does not maintain the pose I generated. It reverts back to the default Daz crucifixion pose. How do I get FBX files to hold my pose when I export it out?
FBX is dropping the SubD, I suspect, while OBJ is giving you the fully divided mesh - if that is the case (I don't know what you mean by disaster) then going to the Editor tab of the Parameters pane and under Mesh Resolution setting the resolution to Base may fix it.
Thanks Richard. I may have discovered the OBJ hidden line problem. When imported, the scale is extreamly small, when I scaled the figure up to true scale he hidden lined fine. Easy fix, once I discovered it. I'll also look at the parameters as you mention. I'll be delving into the DAZ portion of this project much deeper in the next couple of days. Thanks for the reply!