A quick clip.
Posts: 6
Some of my experiments in animation from last year and one from this year at the end. Thanks for watching :)
nice work - keep it up
Looks good. I'm guessing motion capture for much of the character animation, do you have favorite sources?
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Steve, I've got a really bad memory but I'd say all the character animation is mocap, mainly aniblocks. I've collected loads of mocap over the years, most of which needs a lot of editing. I love what they're doing with Animate 2, its a great starting point combined with Keymate and Graphmate.
Have to say I'd always been a Poser user but I'm loving what DAZ is doing for animation and I'm hooked on Studio.
James, OK thanks for the input on mocap. I also was a long time Poser user, then migrated to Carrara when I discovered it loads Poser content directly. And I also have a large collection of mocap files, many from Eclipse Studio in Poser format. Great fun creating short animations with all the pieces available. Almost no modeling or posing ...
Looks awesome. Keep going! :-)
Great work. I have a question regarding the last sequence and your set replacement (skeleton and female sword fight) How did you impliment the background?
@dcmphoto Thanks, its not actually set replacement. Thats a really good HDR Set from DimensionTheory http://www.daz3d.com/urban-recreation I spent the most time on the camera move trying to make it look like a hand held shot.
Thank you for your reply! I thought it might be an HDR set. Great work....look forward to seeing more!