Daz Studio 4.9 Pre really, really, does not want to cooperate with me.

Hello, I'm pretty new to 3D editing and 3D software in general. I can handle adobe prodects fairly well but I'm basically a novice at 3D software. I install the program only to discover Daz wasn't reading the files. I hop online to see if my problem is common and sure enough I see I should've installed Daz to it's preferred spot. No biggie, I uninstall and reinstall. Files are there, all is well. Great, except I realize what "resoueces" I had were basically nothing. My goal is to be able to edit/morph a human figure but the resources that came with the download didn't allow for that. It was free, I can't complain, but I still need to be able to edit/morph a human figure.
After looking at tutorials I realize I need to buy assets, which I do, I get it. Now $100 or so later, for "free" software I have my assets downloaded and installed. Or so I think...I know what I downloaded was installed, most of it I can find, however, I can't find the body morphs or face morphs at all. I can only assume I don't know what I'm doing and I'm not looking in the right place.
The assets I'm talking abot specifically are Head, Body.
I can load the base gen 3 female body but I can't find the morphs. Please help.
Look at the "Shaping" tab. Your installed morph should be there when you load the base.
Check the Shaping tutorial
Just a quck heads up. You'll want to check the store for freebies if you haven't already. A lot of free stuff is available there that isn't available with the default Daz install, and some of the stuff you may find useful is there, if you haven't downloaded all of it already...
New freebies show up every now and then, so it's worthwhile to check the store every week or so to see if any new freebies showed up.
Some of the stuff may be Poser products, which may or may not work properly in Daz, but you can ignore those for now.
Use the sort by>Low to High option, that should bring all the freebies to the top of the list.
As I remember, a lot of the additional Genesis addons weren't installed by default, but were available for free in the store.
Also, as mentioned above, body morphs and face morphs are under the Parameters tab (and also Shaping tab), using the Scene tab to explore the regions of the various figures (forearm, chest, etc.). If for some reason you can't find the Parameters, Shaping or Scene tabs, they can be accessed under Window>Panes(Tabs).
There are some Daz Studio related freebies available on other sites as well. ShareCG and Renderosity both have a lot of DS related freebies, including additional face/body morphs, but you'll need to register with those sites (free to register) to access them, and install them manually (there are some threads here that talk about that). Be sure to take note of the usage rights of anything you download on those sites. Some have unrestricted use, others have varying levels of restrictions. Google searches can turn up some freebies as well, tucked away in various fun places such as Deviant Art, plus the various freebies threads here may help you track down a good number of freebies.
Finally, if you haven't joined Platinum Club, strongly consider it. You'll want to wait for the memberships to go on sale though, which seems to happen fairly often (seems like monthly?)
Hey defectedsaint,
Unfortunately for the base Gen 3 model, you only get the basic mods for her head and body. If you want additional mods you'll have to purchase them separately. Currently Gen 2 female has slightly more body and head mods and there's new FREE content available, with additional characters that have what you're looking for.
Hope this helps!