Question about saving Poses

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I have been getting better at my pose game lately and have been making and saving poses that have some good utility for me. My question is this, when I work on an interacting pose (i.e. involving two characters) I can get it JUST right. I save, reload to test and it's still like I want it. However days later when I reload, I see things like character A's hand is now colliding(inside, under the skin) with Character B's face when before it was just a touch. Is this normal, par for the course kind of adjustment stuff or is there something else I can impliment to pose them "in stone"?

Thanks for any tips.


  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111

    I just follow two rules when saving and loading poses.  Never have any node locked when loading a pose, as that might prevent a bone from posing, and never have anything parenting the character when saving a pose, like a null or group, as that extra transform might screw up the pose if it doesn't already exist.

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