Restoring after a crash
My dskC had a catastrophic failure. Is it possible to download DIM and Daz Studio again?
My products were backed up but if I have lost a product can I download it again?
My account says everything already been downloaded and I guess DIM will say
there are zero downloads ready
My DskC is by far my least capacity hard drive,
I try not to download to it so I tried to change the download directory for daz Sudio
when I first downloaded everything but my downloads still went to Dskc:Public
Did I just not do it right or is changing the directory really not allowed
Many Thanks for the help
Your first 2 questions the answers are
The rest I am not sure about as I actually don't use DS but I will try to find someone to help you.
Can you post a screen shot of your installation tab in DIM?
The downlod path is where the zip go, by the sound of it you want to chaneg the install paths (in the instalaltion tab of DIM's preferences) and change the DS content directory settings to match - either manually or by downloading and running
It won't help for DS and DIM, since you have already isntalled them, but before isntalling any more applications you may want to tell Windows not to use the C: drive for documents (or pictures, videos, etc.). Go to C:\Users\YOU to find the Documents folder, right-click, select Properties, go to the Location tab, and click the Move button to set a new folder.
Thanks for your response.I have no problem preventing things from being deposited onto DskC except DIM/Daz.
I clicked on the link you provided and got this below
Install Manager Config (to DAZ Studio)
Below is an example demonstrating how one might go about parsing information from an .ini file, converting that information into a JSON object, providing a dialog that allows an end user to select options for importing the data, and then modify the application settings to incorporate the data.
The above was followed by many lines of HTML code. Is this really what is required to get DIM to install my products to a disk other than diskc?
To restate my situation, more clearly, I hope;
My dskC has been reformatted. There are no user programs installed (no DIM or DS)
I logged into my account and I dowlnaded DIM (not to DskC)
I logged on to DIM to download daz 4.9. Upon entering my password in DIM and pressing
the enter key, DIM immediately began downloading all of the products that I have purchased.
I do not want to spend the time or use all this months internet bandwith quota downloading files that I have copies of on a hard drive.
Nor do I want the products to be downloaded to DskC which is where DIM was downloading them.
I thought that DIM would give me the opportunity to change the directory to where it woild download.
Furthermore I have all my products backed up so I would like to just:
1. download Daz Studio 4.9 to one of my larger capacity disks.
2. Have Dim download products to my directory of choice.
3. Move all of the products that I have already downloaded and backed up, to the directory to where I have asked DIM to download.
So far my every attempt to do any of the above has been thwarted by all of the automatic procedures Daz studio has in place to make things simple.
Any help to accomplish the above would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks, Giovanni