A question about comic style

I've made the follwing image with a model from DAZ3D and then using the free trial of Filter forge and Ron's brushes.
I've seen the following tutorial where the artist uses Poser11
Ok, it's called Comic Book Preview and requires a fair lot of tweaking, but on the whole I think it's worth a try. It requires postwork afterwards too.
I usually render one color render and one Comic Book Preview with just the lines. Then I combine them in Ps, using Overlay layer mode.
When I have more time I'll post a short tut here for reference.
A while ago I posted a pic done in this style to my DAZ gallery ;]
Also, a few extra pics I dug out of my computer:
Yes, postwork will always be there. But some pretty nice results can be achieved ;)
Here's the tutorial, or rather a walk-through.
My question is:to achieve the result of the above tutorial (looks,skin texture and shadows especially) I need to use Poser11 or I can have the same result using DAZ3D,Photosop and Filter forge?
Thank you all and I'm looking forward for your answers