hi can someone please help me on how i can get sweaty skin like this

in New Users
i been trying and trying an i just cant figure it out please can someone help me
i want the skin like this pic

1000 x 1300 - 989K
Have you looked into this product? https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-3-female-s-wet-body-iray
As a beginner (and I still consider myself one despite messing with DAZ for a while) I'd do the Shibashake tutorial for DAZ Beginners and Shibeshake has has other good DAZ Studio tutorials free too.
They are free, short, simple, no-nonsense, and easy to read & follow:
if you go into the surfaces part for a figure and fo to the individual skin parts (arms, legs, torso and face) and just play around with cranking up the topcoat slider to taste that will get you somewhere towards what you want.
Also, try adjusting specular/glossiness, set both to solid white, adjust lighting till satisfied.
Don't know what base figure, but you can also try wet and tanned.
hi how do you use wet and tanned still trying to figure it out can you help me
Here's the user guide. It's step by step.