IRay render aliasing textures? Only between certain colors ...

I'm trying to convert the materials of my Dart over to IRay, and found this weird artifact in the render. The texture map is 5000x3565 and wraps completely around the main hull of the ship. In rendering, it shows really bad aliasing along the border of the black pinstripe and the red, but NOT between the pinstripe and the white. Any ideas? This image shows the render, and the same section of the map at full size - that line is clean. I used one of the DAZ Uber car paint materials and added the texture map to the diffuse node.

1600 x 1800 - 407K
I can't tell from your picture how much of the problem is in the actual render, and how much is coming from JPEG compression (which is quite visible throughout). Are you rendering directly to JPEG, or to some less lossy format?
have you tried to change render setting >Advanced tab> Texture compression, Threshold values?
if you need not any pre-compression, set both Medium and High threshold value, more than your texture image size.
then your texture may not get any compression when ds render.
I realize this is an old thread, but if someone searches for this,
I was having an issue with texture maps and edges showing extreme aliasing in a scene that I purchased, it set the render settings
I set them back to default and the problem went away so I compared all the settings, the culprit was “Pixel Filter Radius”
In the bad file it was set to 0, the default is 1.50