GoZ to modify clothing

I have a hospital gown I purchased and it comes tied in the back and I wish to untie it and open the back up. I have been able to send the gown over to Zbrush and edit it and send it back but to remove one of the ties and buttons I have to break appart the subtool. Once I delete the tie and button I merged back the subtools to one single subtool and try to goz back to Daz but it comes in as a stand alone object now vs updating the old one with a new morth option.  Could someone please advise me on what I'm doing wrong or how to go about achieving this. Really in a bind here.

Thanks in advance.



  • Wayne HeimWayne Heim Posts: 4

    I have a gown I've sent over to Zbrush with Goz, made some edits (had to separate the subtools and then reassemble) then sent back to Daz. When it comes back it comes in as a new object vs updating the old one. Is there a way to have it update the old one or transfer all the morphs and such from the old to the new?  If I send it and don't separate it I can send it back just fine.

    Any help would greatly be appreciated.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907

    A morph cannot remove, add, or reorder the mesh - all it can do is push around the existing mesh. What you could do is use the Transfer Utility, setting the Source to the original figure and the Target to your modified mesh, to create a new figure.

  • Wayne HeimWayne Heim Posts: 4

    I tried that but it is not copying over all the controls from the original item.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907

    What kind of controls are missing? If you highlght Morph Targets in the list of General Options what settings do you have in Extended Options?

  • Wayne HeimWayne Heim Posts: 4

    I think I didn't transfer something correctly. It didn't have all the clothing controls that came with the clothing.  I figured out a work around though. Instead of breaking appart the object, I had zbrush generate polygroups and then I could hide or move individual parts of the model without ungrouping it.

    I'll revisit again when I have more time.


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