I'm confuse
Kai ora
I'm lost as to why when I export an OBJ in a pose it stays where I put it and is fine cept it and NO bones or skeleton so it can't be changed on Max after the fact. If I export as an FBX I get the skeleton and bones etc BUT during the export the model shifts, as in the legs move top the default and the arms straighten out, this defeats the perpose of exporting the stand in the first place.
What I'm after doing here is to make an animation/pose that has the Default T pose, a pose that suits (as an example) witcher 3 models and one for Skyrim models, so I en essence have the means to change the stance of the char to suit what I want in Max at the movment of a timeline slider.
Being new to Daz and animation and the way Daz does it I maybe going about this the wrong way for starters. My thinking is I can make a pose/anmation in Daz save it as such and apply that to any char I may what to use it on in max for fitting cloths armours etc. AND before anybody starts jumping up and down this is for my personal use and learning on MY hard drives, NOT fro release or resale od any sort.
OBJ is just a snapshot of the mesh, it does not support rigging. FBX does support rigging and shaping, but it is a highly variable format so things don't always work. How are you adjsuting the figure - with the transform controls only or are you using pose controls and/or morphs?
Kia ora
Pose controls are they, the slides in the right hand panel, I'm finding that is easyer for me to get things like fingers in the correct place, I can zoom right in and see the detail view of where the item is and pan around to see while I adjust the slider
Oh I for got, I did pull the Char into 3D xchnage and found if I click reset pose it pulls back to where it is in Daz, not sure if that info helps
I'm not at all familiar with 3D Xchange, Pose Controls are the controls on the figure or body part that control several bones at once, rather than the standard transforms on the bone itself - the groups on the left of the pane should tell you which you are using.
Ok so am I right in thinking that if I have any Daz morph'sinstalled that can be use to pose bodies that will effect the export?, and thus be the reason the pose moves a little when I export it, might be easyer and better then to try set a T pose on anything I'm going to export to work on if that the case
I'm just trying to learn this stuff and set me up a work flow to do these things when I wish to, develop a process so tospeak