Turning a figure into a single morph

in New Users
Hello all! I have a Genesis 3 characer I've built using several standard morphs and what I'd like to do is set it up so that I only need one dial to control it. I've got it saved right now as a single morph using ERC Freeze, but when I dial the character to 100%, all of the original morphs dial up as well. That's good enough, I suppose, but I was hoping to only have the one morph show up when I click on Currently Using...
I searched the forums and found a solution from someone else's problem where I export the figure to Hexagon and then back as a morph. This worked brilliantly, doing exactly what I wanted (one dial for the character, no extra morphs indicated), except for one thing that I saw. When I posed the character's eyes closed, the eyelids moved down through the eyeballs, resulting in a part of the eyeball visible over the lid. I don't know if there are other posing issues, but that was a deal breaker right off the bat. Is there another way to accomplish what I'm looking to do, or is there something I'm missing? Basically, how do I create a single morph character?
The problem is that one or more of your component morphs has a linked corrective morph that kicks in to make sure that the eyes stil close correctly (and there may be other corrective morphs, or if the morphs reshape the body or move the fae around a lot there may also be adjustments to the bone centres and alignment). Exporting as OBJ/sending to Hexagon or Zbrush and loading as a new single morph breaks all of those corrections, which is why the technique is best avoided - ERC is driving the original morphs, and they in turn are driving the original corrections and adjustments, so you get a superior result.