Get Daz now, or wait for 5.0?

Hi everyone,
Is it a good idea to start picking up Daz 3D now, or should I wait for 5.0 to be released, whenever that is?

Would 5.0 have a lot of new features that make it worth it? However, would it also be full of issues that will need further iterations to fix?

Does 4.9 currently present any significant problems in terms of functionality and ease of use?

I appreciate the benefit of everyone's experience. :)


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Since it's free, there's no need to wait, and no way of knowing when they'll move to 5.0.  Most of the functionality will be the same.

  • murgatroyd314murgatroyd314 Posts: 1,553

    No one knows when, or even if, 5.0 will come out. So far, all we have is unfounded speculation. If you aren't willing to take the chance of waiting several years, just get it now.

  • ChameoChameo Posts: 306

    As others have said - no reason to wait. As for significant problems - it's a gateway drug leading to a rabbit hole so deep you may never find your way out... Even total novices (which I was when I first downloaded it) can turn out better than decent renders almost off the bat. I like to say the learning curve is deep but not steep, and there's a great community of expert users who are always ready to help if you're trying to figure something out.

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