Can switch skin from another character and live all other materials?

in New Users
Hi everyone! Is there a possibiblity to aplly to a character skin parameters (color, gloss etc.) and only them. So that eyes, lips, nipples and all other stuff that included in material kits won't change. Can I also aplly makeup from other character so that face skin tone won't change?
Thanks in advance!
Hold Ctrl (CMD for macs) when you double click on the preset. In the pop-up switch to ignore for textures.
Somehow there is no options to ignore for textures in the pop-up. I have only Surfaces (All/Selected) and Images (Replace/Ignore) when clicking on preset with CTRL.
Textures are images — it's the second one you need to set to "Ignore".
Note that textures and material parameters are usually made to go together, mixing and matching can produce weird-looking results. And makeup is usually painted onto the face textures, unless the store page for that makeup product specifically says it can be "used on any character". (There is a way to add makeup separate from the face textures, but not many products use it.)