Basic Rendering Question

Can you mix Iray items and 3Delight items together in your scene?

I'm guessing not, as if I do that the render starts out looks wonky. I'm wondering tho if there's a closely held secret to accomplish this?

Thank you


  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246

    If you have a scene with, say, five items in it and you want to render four of them in IRAY and the fifth in 3Delight you can turn the one you don't want to render in 3Delight off (in scene tab, click the eye symbol to make it invisible) and render away in IRAY.  They turn that item back ON and turn all the others OFF.  Before you render, make sure the Environment tab has Type->None selected. Then render in 3Delight and save as PNG.  In image editor of choice, open the two images as layers and they should like up perfectly if you kept the camera fixed between renders.  

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    If you render in iRay, the render engine adapts the 3Delight surfaces. But in many cases (I experienced) the automatic setting is not fitting what it should be.
    So apply the iRay Uber shader and adjust the parameters to your likes.

    Other way round don't work. 3Delight render engine is not able to work with most of the iRay settings.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Can you mix Iray items and 3Delight items together in your scene?

    Nothing stopping you. The only problem is that 3Delight materials will be automatically converted when the Iray render starts, and you have no real control over exactly what comes out of this auto-conversion. Change the materials to Iray as noted above, and you will be able to control the materials properly.

  • Geoffrey_WoodgetGeoffrey_Woodget Posts: 98
    edited May 2017


    Nothing stopping you. The only problem is that 3Delight materials will be automatically converted when the Iray render starts, and you have no real control over exactly what comes out of this auto-conversion. Change the materials to Iray as noted above, and you will be able to control the materials properly.

    indecision So let's sayI have a scene that's comprised of an iray environment, iray character with iray materials, both skin, hair & clothes, additional iray props, iray rendersetting applied. It renders nicely.

    Now I add a charactor into that same scene that's not specified 'iray,' not specified anything, and render again with the previous render settings. When the render starts now, I lose the entire upper half, which was sky; it's totally black. Remove that non specified figure and it renders normally again. So this must be what SpottedKitty is saying, that you can try to mix, but you never now what you're going to get.

    Now the question begs, what makes an item 'iray?' In other words if I open a product and the vendor who made it doesn't or forgets to label it iray, how do I know by looking at the files it's comprised of what it is- 3Delight or iray??

    How's that for a convoluted question? cheeky


    Post edited by Geoffrey_Woodget on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited May 2017

    The only thing that differs between 'iray items' and '3dl items' are the shaders. Iray will not recognise many of 3dl particular shaders such as the PW ones, but Iray can convert some 3dl shaders especially the default shader, but the autoconvert isn't going to give the best results - things can often have the spec not right and things can look a bit plastic.

    To find out if an item has Iray shader select it go to the surfaces tab select its surface and see what shader it has listed at the top if it says Iray Uber then its optimised for Iray and should render nicely without any alteration, if it says for example Daz Default Shader or Omubersurface or AoA_Subsurface you will need to either rely on the autoconvert or apply the Iray Uber shader and alter the settings to get the results you want.

    Why you are having problems with the scene rendering black when you add a character could be down to something else loading in with that character.

    Iray uses different lights to 3dl and you can't use a environment Dome in Iray the same as 3dl

    Post edited by scorpio on
  • scorpio said:


    Why you are having problems with the scene rendering black when you add a character could be down to something else loading in with that character.

    Iray uses different lights to 3dl and you can't use a environment Dome in Iray the same as 3dl

    Nope, no dome, no extra lights (unless they install on that figure), just the figure (it's based off G3M). Plus there is nothing noticably loaded other than that additional figure in the scene tab.

    Thank you tho for the shader info! That explains that.


  • scorpio said:

    To find out if an item has Iray shader select it go to the surfaces tab select its surface and see what shader it has listed at the top if it says Iray Uber then its optimised for Iray and should render nicely without any alteration, if it says for example Daz Default Shader or Omubersurface or AoA_Subsurface you will need to either rely on the autoconvert or apply the Iray Uber shader and alter the settings to get the results you want.

    I don't understand. Here I know everything in the scene is iray because the product in Smart Content says so. So I click on McKayla in my Scene Tab, select Surfaces Tab and I'm presented with both iray & 3Delight and things not even part of that product. I don't see where I'm shown, "yep, she's an iray shader". I'm obviously missing something.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    You need to be in the Surfaces  Editor tab and then with a surface or surfaces selected it says which shader is being used 

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