Can anyone help me with finding a Character
I've looked through the catalog and I don't see anything but before I gave up, I thought I'd ask the board and see if there was any wisdom out there to be had.
I am looking for an G3 Asian Male that does NOT require Lee. I like Lee, I want Lee, but at the moment I cannot afford Lee. There are quite a few variations of V7 characters of different ethnicities and while the same is true of seems this one was missed. Or at least if it exists, I can't find it. Please don't mistake me for suggesting a product, I'm just explaining my thought process. Does anyone have any idea besides "Save your $$ and buy Lee"?
How about ?
See?!!! Now that's what I'm talking about!! I love this board. Thank you Ostadan!! I vaguely remember seeing that product when it came out but I completely forgot about it!
Also, if you want even more ethnic variety in the future FaceGen Artist Pro is good.