Art postwork to 3drendering

in New Users
I'm an absolute beginner in the field and I want to create comic with DAZ3dstudio and Photoshop.I have some questions and I hope you have answers.When I render an image in DAZ3d and then do the postwork in Photoshop,that is called Digital art,Concept art or is similar to editing a photo?How I put effects,lights,shaders,layers (in which order)?I want to make e.g. an image of a woman sitting on a bench,how can I make a beautiful image with detailed background that will look like a work of art?Does anyone know any tutorials that shows the procession?
Thank you all very much and I'm looking forward for your answers
Digital art is accurate. If you scan a photo to manipulate in photoshop (or on a computer in general) it is digital.
As far as how to create and composite the scene... thats not a small question:)
Off the top of my head Id say try Shibashake's website here, she offers some tutorials on composition and photo retouching:
This thread has some great tips for non-photorealistic renders (i.e., comic style)
There are tutorials available for purchase, and many by Dreamlight are excellent. I also recommend that you check out and participate in the New User Contests. This is a great venue for learning and receiving feedback and tips. Don't worry about how your renders compare to others - these contests are not about the "best" render, but are a learning experience.
You can also check out these tutorials on YouTube
Here's some great tutorials about post work on 3D art with comic book style: