Applying Pose Relative To Present Position

in New Users
I have quite a few poses and quite a few of them zero the translations although some don't. Is there anyway to correct this? I'd like to pose the figures right where they are instead of having to re-enter the x,y,z coordinates everytime just to see if it works for the scene.
I tried searching however the search engine here lacks much to be desired.
Thanks in advance.
When applying the pose hold down the cntrl key, a dialogue will pop up, uncheck x and z translations. I would say uncheck y also but I have found that it sometimes breaks the pose for some reason. From doing nothing at all to removing all the figures shaping morphs, weird stuff.
That sort of worked. I didn't get a check box dialog but it did keep the x and z from changing. Y changed on the first two tries but afterward remained in position.
So you have your figure selected and you hold down the control key (on a pc, not sure on a mac) and dbl click the pose you want to apply and a dialogue window did not open? Because it should...
I am using Daz 4.9 on a PC. I select the figure, go to a pose, hold down the ctrl key, and double click. For some strange reason I do not get the dialog box but the pose works and the figure stays in place every time.
The "Control Freak" dialogue only appears on native DS-format files, if it's a Poser-format file with no companion script then it isn't available.
Ah, that explains it. Thanks so much both of you.