
I'd like to learn how to build a background scene for my project. I have The Little Soldiers bundle and have just bought the base camp bundle but I'm not really sure how to go about using one with the other. Could someone please suggest a tutorial and where I might find it please.


Thank you.



  • seeker273seeker273 Posts: 449

    Do you mean how to add the soldiers to the base camp? Doesn't dragging them to the scene work? You should start with these, they are the basics of DS :)

  • Cat_DancingCat_Dancing Posts: 520

    Hi Seeker, thanks for answerring. Yes, drag and drop does work but my figures/animals etc are all out of proportion with each other and I don't know how to correct that. I had a look at your gallery, really good stuff, really like the pensive clown and the cartoon style girl with the very long legs.

    Thank you for your time.


  • seeker273seeker273 Posts: 449

    Thanks for the compliments ;)

    I think you're trying to add small toony figures to a realistically proportionate environment. You can either scale down the base camp or scale up your soldiers.

  • Cat_DancingCat_Dancing Posts: 520

    Hi Seeker. I am progressing OK with my project with The Little Soldiers but have come up against another problem whilst trying to move/resize the buildings, can you suggest anything please. I've copied my latest post below. Richard, the moderator, referred me back to you. Thank you as always - - Robert.


    Hello. - I have been developing a project using The Little Soldiers pack. To enhance the project I have purchased the Base Camp pack. I have spent some time practicing putting the two together but have come up with an odd situation. After placing a building into my scene I needed to move it and resize it but certain parts of the building, drain pipes, lighting poles etc, stayed in their original position. I didn't realise this was happening until I noticed the items 'hanging' in the air. The 'footprint' of the buildings also had to be moved separately. Is there any way this can be avoided, can the parts be 'attached or linked' to each other so that the building can be moved as one body.

    Thank you for reading this.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627
    edited May 2017

    select all a building and its parts (hold shift in scene list ) and create group

    you can then resize the group

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,907

    Two (and a half) options:

    move one piece, Edit>Copy, seelct the other parts, Edit>Paste

    parent all of the other parts to the most logical or covnenient base piece while still in teir default position and move that base piece. Or seelct all the parts, Create>New Group, and move the group.

  • seeker273seeker273 Posts: 449
    th3Digit said:

    select all a building and its parts (hold shift in scene list ) and create group

    you can then resize the group

    Yup, that's what I do as well. Or I just pick all but one of the objects I want grouped and just drag them onto the last one. You can also resize all of the elements at once this way :)

  • Cat_DancingCat_Dancing Posts: 520

    Thanks for all the help you guys.


  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852

    As a general rule,  I find it easier to increase the size of the character figures,  rather than changing the scale of the environment.  Environments tend to have more moving pieces,  as a result it is less work to leave them be.  Whereas  any clothing, hair,  props, parented to the character figure will scale easily with it. 

  • Cat_DancingCat_Dancing Posts: 520

    Hello First Bastion - Thank you for the tip. I obviously must get to grips with parenting.

    Have a great weekend.

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