How can I quit a HDRI from the scene?

How can I quit a HDRI from the scene? I don't see it in the scene tab. I want to render a figure with a transparency backdrop but it's no possible because I have a HDRI in the scene.




  • AJ2112AJ2112 Posts: 1,416
    edited May 2017

    Hi friend, there are two ways you can do this, go into Render settings tab > Environment > turn off Draw dome 2nd option is Render settings Environment > Environment Mode > Scene only.  2nd option you will need to add your own lights. 

    Post edited by AJ2112 on
  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,253
    edited May 2017

    I want to render a figure with a transparency backdrop...

    I have a somewhat similar or related problem in that for me, in DS 4.8, if I chose a image file or a solid color for the backdrop it is not possible to go back to having the render be a transparent TIFF file. Ergo I know how to remove the texture I've selected, in the Environment tab, but then the scene reverts to a BLACK b.g., not a transparent one. That is, until I restart DS and begin a new scene - that's when I get my transparency option back.

    When I've altered the color and then I try to change it back "None" or to "0,0,0" or "255,255,255", if I'm not mistaken nothing happens. I get black every time.

    Is this similar to what you get in 4.9, I wonder, or have they fixed this? Or am I completely off the mark? Just wondering. I have been getting around this issue by carefully saving the entire scene BEFORE adding a background image (or a color) but it's not always convenient.

    Post edited by Roman_K2 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    No, just unclick 'Render Dome' and the lighting from the HRDI will be used but the HRDI image won't be.

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