Game dev license and Authors

in New Users
Hi, how are you?, first excuse my English,
I am considering Daz3D for game dev, and I am a little lost here.
I know that I need the game dev license that allows me to work with "Daz Original" products.
But here the question, some products alose have some other authors. What happen with the game dev license in that situation? do I need to pay the game dev license for every author that a product has?
It license applies to anything that has Daz as a vendor. The secondary vendor listed is who Daz bought the pack from but Daz owns the rights on it.
Excelent news and response.
However if you want to use products that are not Daz Originals then you will need to buy a license for each PA whose products you use, and be aware that not all PAs have game dev licenses available,
Thanks for the clarification. Yes I was aware of that.
Hi again, I need to make another question, releated to Licenses
I am interested in this (ie) this product:
Now, the product have 3 authors, how the license works in this case?
One of the authors have a game license available while the other two not.
1) If i get the license, could I have problems with the other two vendors?
2) If a vendor doesnt have a indie license, that means:
a) you can not use that content for games (this could be a very primitive restriction for 2017, but anyway)
b) you can use the content for games unless a license for that pupose is offered. (I think this have no sense but I put as an option to clarify any doubt)
by the way, I think it should be clearer if the license terms are visible in the product page.
thanks again
If - as here - there are multiple vendors and none of them are Daz 3D then yes, you need a license for each. In general if there isn't a license for a PA you can either try contacting them on the forum (if theya re active here) or open a Sales Support ticket - however, as DragonStorm sadly died recently organising permission may be a bit more complex.
You might ask the vendors who created the textures used with Skin Builder because technically those textures are the only thing you need a game development license for. eg: when you get a game development license for DAZ Originals it is only for the products made with the SW, not the DAZ SW itself.
That depends on the licensing - there's nothing to say that an application or tool has to allow free use of content created in it using distributable resources, see things like The Plant Factory for example. Your advice needs to be treated with extreme caution.
"Best yet, this product is also a Merchant Resource allowing you to create, modify and sell skins for your characters."
So do you need to sell character before you can use it in game? :)
ja well, this is a non sense. So I can create my character and sell the character for My game? :D
I am really interested in the product, but the licenses are so confusing that I don't want to invest time and resources if they cannot be used.
In fact there are lots of products that I am interested, but I really dont know if I am allowed to use them in a game. I realy think that avoiding that information in the products descriptions ends up hurting the authors sales.
No, just contact one of the authors of Skin Builder and they will clarify the status of the texture sets you create with regards to use in the games.
The 3D models and other texture sets in the DAZ Store (as opposed to renders that you make yourself using those products) you will need to buy a DAZ Games Development license to apply the textures to so buying that Skin Builder product does not alleviate the need to do that. That license only applies to DAZ Originals. Read the DAZ EULA for clarification on that and ask the DAZ Helpdesk for any confusion you have. You are likely to have some confusion as the working and professional terminology for this product niche is pretty obscure and really is probably only know exactly to a few people at DAZ 3D and nowhere else.
Thanks for the comment, yes I am aware about the DAZ Game License. It is just Anoying contanct each individual seller to know if I need another license plus the DAZ for his products.
Actually I am only adquiring DAZ Originals products for this matter. i have a coupple of other authors products in my whislist, but is a pain contact each individual seller to ask this.
As I said, I think all the license information should be in the products description.
(sorry my English)