When does the freebie's cycle their contents?

in New Users
I was under the impression that the DAZ freebies tab cycled it's items by-weekly, is that for Members? or does it apply to non-members? the question is, is it by-weekly or monthly for non-members?
Same whether you're PC or not, typically bi-weekly, except during major sales like March Madness. Last time was April 10.
It's by-weekly. Just noticed it doesn't happen early. I really need to work on my patience for new items. XD sorry for the post of discussion here. The freebie tab is by far the only tab I can afford currently.
There was a bunch today including the 50s Dinette Table I had on my wishlist.
Nice. I noticed the cycle starts like mid-day after two weeks. I shall figure the pattern down to the to the minute and shall inform others of it when I figure it out. Thanks though and I hope you enjoy the new free stuff as much as I am. =D
I suspect it starts at DAZ-Time 09:00 or some time shortly after, i.e. when someone shows up for work there. That's typically late afternoon where I am located, maybe later wherever you are?
No idea, I have to wait and see eventually to tell. 9:00 You say? and where is DAZ studios located at? or...the people who run it at least. That should give me a rough estimate of time.
Utah - so US MST timezone. I added a "DAZ Clock" to my PC - on Windows you can add a second clock to the date/time in the bottom right corner of the screen - so I always know what the DAZ-Time is!
Utah's time frame is two hours behind mine. so what would be 9:00 for me would be like 7:00 for them. So for me to wait 9:00 their time, It'd be about 12:00 for me. And here I thought I sucked at mathmatics. I feel like a rocket scientist now. XD not really, but still, Geography knowlege works wonders when you think on it. ^.^
Well I believe the Freebies are due a re-cycle tomorrow - only 16 or so hours to wait...
Yep. Is it me or has anyone noticed that most of the freebie items are just textures and not actual items or figures? whats the use of the texture if you don't have the figure for it? It's like saying "free! with purchases." o.o which means [at least to me] not really free...
BTW, FYI Daz 3D is the name of the Company Daz Studio (D|S) is the name of their headline program
I'd assume both were defining the same thing, can address by either name, but ok. I suppose now I know where DAZ 3d is. =p