hi does anyone know how to do a dark scene like this with candlelight so confused and need help

i am trying to do a dark scene in iray with a candlelight glowing on her face like this pic

1260 x 1300 - 209K
Post edited by Chohole on
I can move this thread into the New Users Help Forum for you,
THere are people there who are used to answering all sorts of questions about how to get the most out of your software.
thanks so much chohole
In the Iray settings set the Environment Mode to Scene Only. This will turn off all the environment lights, such as the HDRI and Sun, etc.
Then just add your candle light.
I take it you're using Iray? Make sure your candle has the iray uber shader applied (It's in Shader presets/Iray/Daz uber). Now go to your surfaces pane, if you dont have it open you can go to Window/Panes/Surfaces. Find the material zone of the flame. Now you need to find the Emission color section and set the color to white, it might even be useful to put the flames diffuse image in the image slot on the left hand side of the color bar. Now you need to Luminance units to Kcdm², and set the emission temperature to a warm value (like 3000(K) ). Finally, you need to set the Luminance to a fairly strong value since its such a small light source, try 1000 Kcdm² and keep going up until you get the desired effect. I know this sounds like a lot but most of the tinkering takes place in a very small section of the shader set up.
hi how do i get the candle light to glow on the face though
ty so much i will try that thanks so much
No problem, i'll follow this post so if you get stuck just leave a comment.
ty so much my friend i prob will get stuck how often you here online eastern standard
I'm in England, GMT. I'm a PA though so i'm quite active on the forums, you can catch me pretty much any time.
thanks buddy so the candlelight will glow like the pic after i do that oh what can i do about the fireflys when io render darkness
oh how do i make it dark in the scene
This is a bit more tricky to answer. The fireflies are caused by a high emission light interacting with your characters skin, more specifically the specular shading on your characters skin. What i normally do in this case is use a low emission value and boost the light with a diffuse mesh light. I sell a product called Iray ghost light kit that does this. You don't have to buy it however, i've written a tutorial on how to do it yourself here. Ghost lights have no specular effect so they don't cause fireflies like traditional mesh lights.
You can make the scene dark by going to the Render tab/Environment and change the Environment mode to scene only. Also, make sure your cameras headlamp is turned off by going to Render tab/General and change the Auto headlamp drop down to Never.
ty you so much for taking the time to help i really appreciate it thanks so much
The attached image is what i believe you are trying to achieve, i did this with one ghost light and the render took around 20 seconds. Again, you dont have to buy anything, It's all there for you in the tutorial. Best of luck!
this is the pic i want to do a candelight on
i made this
and i want to turn into a candlelight scene
by the way i looked at my account and i bought your product a while ago never used it yet i buy things and i forget i have them
cause more cool things keep comiing out lol
ty very much yup thats the pic i am looking for
Don't worry, i scoop up a lot of content too, i usually find a use for it sooner or later.
If you follow the methods i've given to you, you'll get the effect you want. It might take a little bit of time to get used to, but you'll get it back ten-fold in saved render time.
hi i was wondering if you can help me with this too
ok i want to take a shirt or jacket from daz studio that i purchased and put it in photoshop and put my own logo or pic on the shirt or jacket
now the problem is when i change the shader to iray in the surface tab in daz studio it turns into the texture now how do i use the iray shader and put the pic on the shirt
thats the problem i need help with
You'll have to clarify a bit, have you already placed your logo on the jacket/shirts UVs in photoshop or are you asking how to do that? If it's just a logo i'd normally do it with a decal, but if you have a good idea of what the uv layout is, you can definitely do it in photoshop. Remember though, uvs give you a 2d representation of a 3d object, so it's quite easy to get texture stretching or other errors.
yes i did i was trying to put it on a varsity jacket with iray leather shader the shaders are from sveva at renderosity
asking how to do it also add wrinkles to the jacket sleeves i am trying to do that too cant do that for the life of me no matter how hard i try
If you are going to use shaders, they will normally overwrite the default textures and use tiling textures instead, in which case it's best to use a decal. There are several ways to do it, including LIE, but they are quite a bit more complex than just using a decal.
ok how can i use the decal
oh by the way i just looked at your store your work is manificent love it
this is the second thing i need help with
ok i want to save an expression as a pose set but i want that pose set rendered so when i look at the image it saves as a render face
can someone show me how to do that very confused on how to do that
thanks so much
Thank you :) Here is a tutorial i made on doing your own decals LINK
Again, it's a bit of work, but less work than your other options i would say.
your so welcome ty so much for that tutorial i will definitely read that