How do I get lighting modifications to appear in renders?

Hi Guys,

To date my renders (Daz 4.9 and Iray) have simply used the default lighting, or added light sets that come with the content.  But I am now trying to set up specific lights, or modify the light sets that come with content.  It starts out well....the modifications I make show up clearly as altered lighting in the viewport.  But when I actually render, the modified lights have absolutely no effect.

An example with Ethereal Silence ( I can add the light set that is supplied and it alters the lighting in the render as intended.  But if I modify the light set (e.g. switch lights off), the changes appear in the viewport but not in the render.  If I use that light set on a different scene it shows up in the viewport but not in the render.  This is occurring across any content that I have purchased, including scenes with Iray compatibility.

If I set up a new light I can see it in the viewport and - you guessed it - it makes no impact on the render.

I am sure there is a simple answer to this but I don’t know what it is!  Any help will be greatly appreciated.



  • l_stowel_stowe Posts: 165

    I think what is happening here is that you are rendering and viewing things in different 'engines'. For example, you might be rendering your image in iray, but your viewport in not. Or vice versa. You can change your viewport from texture shaded to iray to give you a better idea of what the finished product will look like, but this is pretty processor intensive. So, if you have a good PC it's worth trying.

  • I am a newbie that has been having the same issue - my newbie idea is that it has at least somewhat to do with what is selected in the 'enviornment mode' under Render Settings - Enviornments... I am going to post asking for some help with what those options mean

  • aha - scene only in enviornment mode seems to be what i need... since I have not yet grasped dome/hdri lighting or the sun-sky option

  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Yeh if you're using set or manually created lights, Scene Only is a good option for environment mode. Otherwise you'll be getting dome lighting too (if Dome & Scene) and it may be too much.

    Also keep a close eye on headlamp. In General under Render Settings, I usually set it to Never so it doesn't interfere and wash things out.

    Honestly tho, dome lighting is easier. Just set it to Dome and double click on a good HDR (e.g., iradiance light probes by dimension theory). Bam, you're done. You may need to change Dome Rotation a bit in Environment, but that's it. Only drawback is that for indoor scenes, you have to hide walls/ceiling depending on your shot so the dome light can enter, but that's pretty easy.

    All this advice assumes you're rendering in IRAY. Finally, if you insist on using manually created lights in Scene mode, remember to set the Lumens! Very easy to forget. If you don't, you won't see it in the render. It needs to be HIGH, often like 100,000 or higher. See short video for an example:

  • thanks! 

  • Hey Toonces.... ok probably dumb question but once I have some iradiance lights and switch to dome only... where do I double click? I tried double clicking on the options in the product (I have Studio Volume 2) but lights are not showing up or rendering. Do I need to do something in the enviornmental map option in the render settings?  any additional guidance would be much appreciated. The lights in the product look great

  • ah, I think I found it in render settings... now if I could just figure out mesh lights!

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