Create New Camera

Can someone please explain, when creating a new camera, what is/are the difference(s) between the following:
'Copy Active View' and 'Apply Active Viewport Transforms'?
They both appear to do the same thing.

I've done a bit of Googling and the info I've found seems to relate to older versions of Daz where one of these options didn't yet exist.

Two other things I'm wondering about...

1. What does 'Create a persistent point at target (null)' mean?
2. I'm sure this one will make me look stupid, what is the white ball floating in front of the camera?
Is it simply an indicator of the point/direction the camera is looking?




  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931
    edited April 2017

    Viewport Transforms will, I think, ignore camera-specific settings - but I'm not sure of that.

    1. it creates a Null (a node without any geometry or specific proeprties) that the camera iss et to point at - moving the null will cause the camera to rotate to keep it in view. The null in turn can be aprented to soemthing in the scene, useful especially for aniamtors wanting to keep an item in the frame.

    2. The sphere sets the Focal Distance - the middle of the in-focus area for Depth of Field if that is enabled. There are also a couple of cubes that adjust the focal length (the one in line with the sphere, controls zooming as oposed to dollying) and fStop (the one under sphere, controls the depth of the in-focus area when using depth of Field).

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • supernoobsupernoob Posts: 154

    Perfect, thank you.

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