Removing genx morphs with tab
I thought I had a handle on genx and tried to move several morphs at once. Now I'm getting error messages.
I'd like to start over and remove all the morphs but I'm concerned that this will somehow affect my regular morphs. Primarily because I already tried removing the folder and then I got an error message about missing files when I loaded a saved scene. Since I have never used those files on a character, either before or after the genx move, I'm a bit confused about how they can be missing.
Ive tried to find info on this removal process and all I can find is something saying there is a tab to allow management of the morphs. But when I look at that tab I'm faced with more options than I know what to do with.
Do I press the restore button?
Do I press delete?
I created the morphs with the "overwrite file" box checked because that was the default. Even though everything in me was screaming no, never overwrite! So now I am afraid of deleting because I have no clue how it will affect the original morphs.
You can delete morphs direct on your harddrive in the GenX-folder : data/DAZ 3D/ (insert Figure Name here) /Morphs /D3D Gen X
Probably you should not delete the folder itself, only the created files in there. Not sure if it is necessary to close DAZ Studio before you delete files in there. But I prefer to do so.
The second way is via the GenX tab in the morphs section. Deleting or disabeling morphs in the GenX tab can not break something nor does it effect the original morphs of the source figures. Highlight the morph and press the delete button and it will be gone.
At the bottom of the GenX/Transfer tab there are different options, to replace existing files or to keep backups of files. Thats what the Restore/Remove buttons are there for. But I have never used those. Usually I do my transfers with the option Replace existing files.
Sorry for rehashing one of my older screenshots. I will post a better one if needed.
Thanks so much for the help. I did all that but was still having problems so I ended up installing daz and all my content again. The genx stuff has been saved in another folder but I'm afraid to import it over as I'm not sure if it caused the problem. I'm on the search for how to isafely use genx. As what I did may have overwritten some base figure files.
Well, some users seem to have problems with distortions caused by the Beautiful Bends products:
But thats all I know, I have never experienced GenX overwritting original V4/M4 or any Genesis Generation files.
I have seen your post in the GenX commercial thread. Hope you get your problems solved.
For future use you may find this GenX Tutorial List helpful:
By default GenX puts its morphs into its own folder hierarchy, so it won't overwrite other files. But naming collisions can occur, where if you activate a morph from a top level, you could actually be applying two or even more "copies" of that morph. The strengths of the morph are additive.
You know if there's more than one morph with that name is there's a (2) or (3) or some other number beside its name. This tells you that you should drill down the tree and find the specific morph you want to apply.
I used to get fancy and put the GenX morphs into custom folders, but then next time I'd import some I'd forget where I put the originals, and I'd then get duplicate morphs. There is an option in GenX where it'll make a backup of any previous copy of that morph within the same data folder, so if you do make a mistake, you can always delete the newer file, and rename the BAK file to its original.
Thanks for that link. I'll be bookmarking it to look through this next week. Reinstalling everything broke most of what I had made so allmost everything I made either has to be remade or I have to find the new place the files are. I had some genx files it is looking for that have both female and male attached to them. All kind of confusing and weirding me out.
I never knew that. Good information. I did end up with duplicates and tried to delete them but that seemed to compound my problems. lol I really think this is all me not knowing what I was doing.
It's a good idea never to delete anything until you're sure things work. Rename the extension so Daz won't load it in, or drag out the file to a temporary folder outside of the data folder. Restart D|S and reload your character.
If you've already used "compound" morphs with duplicates, eliminating one of the morph files will change the shape you applied, since you effectively doubled-up on the strength of the morph.
Thanks. I saved the entire daz folder however I then just moved things over instead of copypasting them. So I think I've broken the things I made. I wish I had thought to copy paste instead of just moving. It's just too much to remember what I put where.