Bryce scene to Daz 4

I just downloaded this Bryce scene from Share CG and would like to take it into Daz 4 to use as an environment for a scene involving my characters, and even add other elements. Is this possible? How would I do this? What subfolder in the "My Library" folder should I put it into?
Others may disagree, but this Bryce scene is way too complex and has way too many objects for the Bryce to D|S bridge to transfer. There's also a serious bug where the tree trunk textures don't transfer and "disconnected" tree limbs.
Far easier would be to bring the figures from D|S into Bryce -or-
Render the Bryce scene and use the image as a backdrop in D|S.
I agree with Dan, Bryce scenes will not come over to Studio very well - if at all. I may be mistaken, but in my experience the Bryce render engine has more options and produces superior output. Studio is excellent for skin and hair, that's where Bryce doesn't do very well. Why not rendering the scene you've purchased and use the rendered picture as backdrop in Studio?
The environment in question was a freebee from, I'm not rendering "purchased" scenes. I'm creating scenes with my various comic characters in different environments and scenarios, and wanted to do one with them relaxing around a waterfall with one standing under the waterfall itself. Therefore it can't be a 2d backdrop because the characters need to interact with it.
I have done something like this in the past, but of course I did it by bringing my figures into bryce, rather than the other way round.
hi guys i'm the maker of the scene in question. you may use the scene any way you wish, but may i suggest what others have said is true. bryce scenes do not transfer to ds4 very well. you would be much better off creating and posing your characters is daz and then bringing them over to the bryce scene, things just work much easier that way.also you can create and texture your characters in daz then bring them over to bryce and save them as obp objects. then when you have your various characters ready, load the bryce scene and then add your characters that you have saved in your obp files.
Isn't the whole point of Bryce to make outdoor environments, terrain, and sets for use in creating scenes in Daz and other programs? Why else would Daz have been giving it away along with Daz 4 and Hexagon basically as a set? BTW, I have Bryce 7 but have yet to even begin to use it. Is there a difference between Bryce 7 and the earlier versions that make it more compatible or am I missing something?
No the whole point of Bryce is that it ia a landscape prgram par excellence, with a terrific rendering engine to boot, loads of cool lighting features, and does a whole lot more besides.
Most people bring Poser or DS figures into the Bryce environemet, not the other way round..
I persoanlly have been doing that for far more years than I reaaly care to remember, about 12 recordable ones according to my gallery, probably quite a few more.
I think you do miss something. What you refer to as DAZ is the company name but you mean Studio 4. When DAZ bought Bryce from Corel, the first and only thing they did was creating a Studio-to-Bryce bridge. Looking like peanuts at first glance (I thought "what? ist that all?" at the time), this proved to be an immense improvement for Bryce. Characters and props from Poser and Studio could be used in Bryce.
Bryce is still Bryce: a great landscaper with which you can create underwater scenes, space scenes, abstracts, still lifes, you name it. There is no limit. Bryce can render directly toon/CEL shading, anaglyphs, lens flares, vignetting and other effects. Bryce 7.1 is the proverbial giant leap, it features IBL options you will hardly find in any other program; it has extensive lighting options like domes, true infinite width parallel lights, all came with 7.1; and anisotropy, and instancing, a two way bridge to Studio, and mesh collapsing, a truly powerful sun, HDRI creation from a Bryce sky, HDRI tone-mapping, specular convolution of HDRIs up to a Phong exponent of 100, saving skies with embedded HDRI, ...
But there are also a couple of things that do not work to the full satisfaction at the moment. The two-way bridge to Studio is a bit unreliable, mainly because Studio got updated meanwhile without Bryce keeping up. Instancing is prone to crash Bryce - though there have been successful atempts to make it work.
Get content from Studio, Hexagon, Google 3D-models, whateverm and use them in Bryce. Bryce has an excellent render engine (actually 2) and can render in True Ambience (TA). You would never want radiosity once you've seen what you can accomplish with HDRI optimised TA. But Bryce is weak rendering skin (no sub surface scattering yet, though it can be partly emulated) and for hair, Studio is superior.
I don't know Horo, I do quite well wih hair in Bryce
Beautiful image Cho.
Of course you do - you're better than me. Sometimes hair works for me and sometimes not.