How do I open content within my current camera view and not the objects default origin?
I feel like I have been using Daz long enough that I should know how to do this if it's possible, but I have tried dragging it, using various control keys, right mouse click, etc. So is there a way to bring an object from library into the camera view? If not, it would sure be nice.
Post edited by ericjcant on
Hold down the alt (Win)/opt(Mac) key as you drag the item from a content pane, then release the mouse button before the modifier. You will see a target icon showing where (on the floor plane) the origin will be when loading. If the item being loaded is offset from the origin it will be offset from the temporary origin this gives, and it won't help with loading to an elevated or lowered position. Another option is to use the Align pane - load your item, select something you want to align it to, select the item (in the Scene pane since it's out of sight), set the axes you wish to adjust to Align Centres (or whatever works) for each axis that needs adjusting, and click Apply.
Thanks! This will be so helpful for my complex, multi-shot scenes.