A New Approach(I Think anyway) to making Bryce Textures without the Deep Texture Editor

Hi Guys
I have worked out a way you can make textures for Bryce (Complicated Textures and with no need of the deep texture editor). Have I gone mad well there's a simple answer to that (I was mad the day I was Born so not much has changed). All you have to do is build objects in Boolean and make them so they have no shadows no casting shadows and no reflecting shadows. Build the objects and then add them to a plane and once everything is together render and you can make more complicated textures that way(at least for Technical Objects such as space ships and Vehicles.
Its really simple and can be a great way to make more complicated textures render from above and then save at maximum jpeg quality. And Render on Premium.
It seems interesting. Could you post some example, please.
I don't want to to take anything away from your discovery, but Bryce has been around for a few years now, and the nature of Bryce users is to explore new ways of doing things differently.
This is a good tip worth remembering for a couple of reasons. The first is animation.
Animating models with bump materials on them (or moving a model through a World Space mode material) can cause a distracting pixellating effect I call shimmer. It's like the model is being attacked by ants. I made a KEY-FLAME tutorial about it which you can link to in my signature below (KEY-FLAME: Introducing Shimmer). However, if a picture texture is used, even with picture-driven bump, shimmer disappears. Again, see the tute for an explanation.
The second reason addresses terrains. By building a model on a plane, you should be able to convert it all into a terrain by taking an overhead render in Altitude Render mode, then bringing the resulting image back into the terrain editor as an elevation map. Sadly, there are limitations on this technique, were explored by David Brinnen and myself in the last forum, but in a pinch, it might be useful. You can see several examples of this suggested technique in the Bryce 7 Create > Terrain library.
The drawbacks of using this technique for either reason is that it works best for flat plane textures, and not very well at all for curved surfaces. So if you're wrapping your texture to a sphere, cylinder or complex metaball shape, expect to find a lot of warping and distortion.
In general, images textures are normally drawn using a 2D app like Photoshop or the GIMP, and mapped using a process called UV mapping (in Bryce, UV maps are wrapped to models using the Parametric method).
Thank you Both For your Comments I Can post a texture for you (But it has to be worth it so I will get making and I will post it Then). And You are Dead Right Oroboros There are tonnes of Brilliant Brycers out there and They probably have already experimented with this technique
Hi As Promised I have a Texture for you to see. I Don't think it is possible to animate with it like oroboros said but Bryce is also very good as a still modeller and I think it is a bit of fun rather than anything other than that. But I appreciate your help and advice sadly I can't animate well in Bryce because I have trouble doing it.
PS Sorry the Image was too Big I did not know I should have looked this one is smaller.
and Here is a link to the full sized version Space Ship Door Texture full size