Problem at rendering with Victoria 7

I use batch render to render a couple scenes when I'm going to sleep. Recently I'm having a problem with Victoria 7. In my scenes there are other character. Not Victoria. But in every scene there is Victoria morph at 100%. Head and body. What can I do to solve this? I tried with desinstalling Victoria but it doesn't work.


Thanks for advice


  • I have three pcs and the problem it's in all of them

  • I tried to uninstall daz but it doesn't work neither

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Are all three using the same central content location? Or copies of a single master content system? If reinstalling Victoria 7 doesn't help that suggests that some other property is driving the Victoria 7 shape - what is listed under Currently Used with the base figure selected?

  • I'm sorry for the ignorance Richard but I don't know what "central content location or single master content system" means :(


    I use one account to download the content to the pcs. The content is the same. The currently used are:

    Brow Squeeze

    Cheek Crease

    Cheek Eyes

    Jaw Side



    Eyes Squint

    Mouth Narrow


    But I use a pre-made expression from """i13 100 Essential Expressions for Victoria 7""" on Olympia 7

  • Thanks

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Maybe the expression is setting the morph - though if so the master slider should appear in Currently Used (unless it's on the head, I suppose, in whichc ase you would need to see it there). Presumably the Victoria 7 shape is also listed as Currently Used? Click the gear icon on its slider, then select Parameter Settings, and look in the Controller tab at the bottom of the dialogue - what is listed?

  • I forgot to say that I'm having that problem with Cathy too. The shape of Cathy and Victoria pops up everytime I open a file or load a new female character into the scene. In order to eliminate that morph I have to open the file, turn down to zero all the morphs of Cathy (or Victoria), save it and do this two more times. Please help me in this one Richard I'm don't know what to do. I have reinstalled the characters and the Daz Studio many times crying

    What is listed in the controller tab at the bottom of the dialogue is: "ERC [DeltaAdd] > Olympia 7: Cathy". I have attached some images


    Many thanks

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  • Also, in many cases the morph of the character set itself to zero.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    What about the master Cathy parameter? Your last image shows the Olympia shape

  • Forgive me for my ignorance but I don't know what is the master parameter. I have attached some images more about what it's happening. I have a few characters more and this happen with all of them crying

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  • I didn't use to have this problem. I wonder if I send the "infected files" to other pc for rendering, it would infect it too?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    So what is set if you go to Content Library>DAZ Studio Formats>...>People>Genesis 3 Female and load the base Genesis 3 Female figure?

  • It's Cathy there crying What should I do?crying

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  • edited April 2017

    Could this problem be caused by closing, opening, saving and using multiple Daz files at the same time?

    Post edited by Super cheese sandwich on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Ok, so check the Parameters Settings for the Cathy slider - above you posted the head and body slider settings, but then the third one was the Olympia 7 settings instead of the Cathy s1ettings.

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