DAZ 4.9 Pro - Views going nuts!
I installed DAZ4.9 Pro and I noticed that whenever I use the Views (Orbit, Pan, Dolly Zoom, etc), either Perspective or Camera, it simply goes nuts, not smoothly, even if I move the mouse very slowly. Does someone know what that might be and how to fix it?
Also, I exported my User Dara and I have the UserData_1.dsx file. Can anyone tell me where do I put that file (in another computer) and what should I do next to import all my categories to the new computer?
Thank you.
I find that the features blip out, "going nuts" as you put it, if I am holding down the RIGHT button on the touchpad, on my laptop. Sticking to the LEFT button seems to be a lot more manageable for me (I have DS 4.8) although certain scenes like the Blenworth castle (store link) seem to open up away off in the distance, and zooming in with the left button is very slow - as in "might take several minutes of stroking the touchpad surface" slow.
Your user data file goes in C:\Users\You\Documents\Daz 3D\Studio\my library\Runtime\Support
Now under the content library tab select content data base maintenance. And reimport meta Data.
If your changing computers you might also want to copy the files at C:\Users\You\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\user layouts
That way you can recover any custom layouts you use. As to the View going crazy if the computer is bogged down that can happen too. Select the camera and move it
using the x,y,z controls give you a fine touch. When Im setting up shots for complex things like my ClubZ set I often set the shot using a scene subset; take cam and figure poses and then use the presets to get into position on the full set.
Thank you.
I think I figured it out. Turns out I was using this mouse sharing software to use the same mouse with several computers. When I used that mouse in DAZ the views went nuts. But I remember of using another mouse, connected to the computer where DAZ is and the views worked just fine. Maybe there was some sort of glitch or incompatibility because I was using the mouse from another computer.
Regarding the User Data, I did what you proposed and it loaded most - not all - of my Categories data.
Lil suprised that, but glad it helped some.