Are there any morphs available to alter the length of fingers/toes or Gen3? I know the body morphs allow you to work with hands and feet but are there any that allow for working with individual digits?
Have you tried just scaling the bones? For the fingers it's X Scale, for the toes Z Scale. You'll need to go into the little pull down menu in the top corner of the parameters tab and turn on "show hidden" to see the dials.
Have you tried just scaling the bones? For the fingers it's X Scale, for the toes Z Scale. You'll need to go into the little pull down menu in the top corner of the parameters tab and turn on "show hidden" to see the dials.
The body morph package has morphs for finger length and width, there are no similar morphs for the toes in it.
Thanks Fisty! Cool trick! I didn't know that! Very easy!