Moving Connect Folder

in New Users
I'd like to move my Daz Connect folder from the default C: / Documentss to another drive. Do I just drag & drop the the top 'Daz3d folder to the root of the other drive, and then point DS4 program to it in Content Manager? Anything to be concerned about if I do this?
Thank you
The name of the folder isn't important, but you need to take the data folder from the old location to the new - alternatively you can leave the existing folder where it is and set it as a standard Daz Studio Format content directory (DS will offe r to do this for you when you chnage the location in the Content Directory Manager) and just install new Connect content to the new location.
So I moved over the Data folder to G:,edited Connect Data in Content Manager to reflect the new location, and I get a popup asking if I want to avoid possible broken file links by adding the old location. Theres nothing in the old location other than a save render folder. Do I tell it
You can tell it yes. It won't hurt anything