What is the difference between Scene and set environments?

What is the difference between Scene and set environments?




  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,336

    A scene is just a full scene setup with various props. An environment is a large singular model like a ruins without extra props.

  • Thanks!

  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Also, I think if it has 'scene' tag, it'll replace your current scene. If it has 'set' tag, it merges into your current scene.

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited March 2017

    'Set' is short for a saved subset, it is a partial scene (you select what you want to save, without additional settings like some render settings. When you load a 'set' it merges with your present scene, without replacing existing settings.

    A 'scene' is a ful save of everything, objects and (render)settings. It replaces your current settings (unless you choose "merge" instead of "open" in the files TAB...)

    As such, those types of scene or set (.duf)  files are not related to what 'we' would call a 'scene' or 'environment'.

    Post edited by glaseye on
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