"Attempting to create a circular link..." log file entries

nowefgnowefg Posts: 557

After installing Posermatics NBM for V4, I bagan seeing a warning message in the V4 loading window.

Checking the log, I found a list of all the NBM morphs, and a couple that look like Muscle Morph references,

like these examples:

Importing File...
Importing Victoria 4.2.cr2 ...
Reading blMilWom_v4b.obj
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:Side_}} <==> Victoria 4.2:Side_}} while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:Side_{{ <==> Victoria 4.2:Side_{{ while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:SlideOut_{_} <==> Victoria 4.2:SlideOut_{_} while importing Poser File

Attempted to create a circular link: chest:Hang-1 <==> Victoria 4.2:Hang-1 while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:Hang-2 <==> Victoria 4.2:Hang-2 while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:HangSideOut <==> Victoria 4.2:HangSideOut while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:HangDown <==> Victoria 4.2:HangDown while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:HangSqueeze <==> Victoria 4.2:HangSqueeze while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:ArmPush-1 <==> Victoria 4.2:ArmPush-1 while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:ArmPush-2 <==> Victoria 4.2:ArmPush-2 while importing Poser File

Attempted to create a circular link: hip:PBMRectusFemorus <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMRectusFemorus while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: hip:PBMSartorius <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMSartorius while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: abdomen:PBMExternalOblique <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMExternalOblique while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: abdomen:PBMRectusAbdominus <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMRectusAbdominus while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: abdomen:PBMSerratus <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMSerratus while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: abdomen:PBMErectorSpinae <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMErectorSpinae while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:PBMTrapezius <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMTrapezius while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:PBMDeltoid <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMDeltoid while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:PBMPectoral <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMPectoral while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:PBMTeres <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMTeres while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:PBMTeresMajor <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMTeresMajor while importing Poser File
Attempted to create a circular link: chest:PBMLatissimus <==> Victoria 4.2:PBMLatissimus while importing Poser File
Time to load file: 8925.05 ms

The entire list runs to 6 pages.

Loading a fresh base V4.2 figure, without Powerloader and no saved morphs, causes this every time.

Since NBM hasn't yet been injected, can anyone figure what is triggering these entries on a stock V4.2 load?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,045
    edited December 1969

    What it means is that the file is trying to link a morph on one figure to the matching morph on another figure - but because the PZ3 importer for DS doesn't take account of "other figures" the only way it can read the instruction as trying to link a parameter's value to itself, which is not allowed Do the morphs in fact work when injected? If so there's no problem - it's a warning that something has been discarded rather than a problem that is going to cause an immediate mal-function.

  • nowefgnowefg Posts: 557
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, Richard,

    Yes, the morphs do inject and work properly. It took several shots at installing them to get them to work, but now they do.

    The "odd" part is that I'm starting from a clean V4.2, just trying to load it in an otherwise empty scene.

    I found the strange entries strange, because at the time of loading V4.2, there hadn't been any interaction with the the NBM morph product at all. Hadn't been any time for that. So, where is Studio getting the idea to interface with that particular product at all, when all it's been called to do is load a fresh v4.2? Where is it finding whatever it is that needs to be discarded? That whole move is what seems out of place.

    In other words, if I'm just loading V4.2, then that's all that should be happening at that point. If I later inject NBM, then there needs to be interaction, but not before. Just as there's no interaction with Posermatic's NPM, or NGM prior to injecting those products into an already loaded V4.2.

    I have had other strange problems with V4 Muscle Morphs, which Tech Support says no one else is having. So at this point, per Tech Support, I'm on my own troubleshooting this, and a question comes up about whether V4.2 is actually loading as a "fresh" copy," or somehow carrying over morphs from prior sessions. I uninstalled/reinstalled to check that, but the change had no effect.

    Somewhere or other, Studio is getting an instruction to compare v4.2 with NBM morphs, when there are no morphs injected, not even the V4.2 Base, Elite, or ++, because I'm not using the Powerloader at all.

    No idea where to look. Tech Support says my setup must be nonstandard, whatever that means. Studio 64 bit, Windows 7 64 bit... what's nonstandard about that? The products I'm having trouble with are all Daz-installer products.

    The one oddity I've found on installs is that if the installer is an older one, like the one for V4 Muscle Morphs and V4 or M4, Windows 7 most always comes back and says the product may not have installed correctly; do I want to reinstall. I always say yes, just in case, and then the installer runs again, but much more slowly. I've been assuming that had something to do with 64 bit versions, but perhaps not.

    Have you seen that one?

  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited December 1969

    I actually encounter that same problem with V4 Muscle morphs during product testing.

    After some investigating, both by me and DAZ's xenic101, the problem lies with with Muscle Morphs and triggered in DS4 (and up). DS3, which I'm still using don't have that problem.

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