Sunny Leone Look Alike Character In Daz

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Hi, Anyone knows a character similar to Sunny Leone. She is beautiful
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Hi, Anyone knows a character similar to Sunny Leone. She is beautiful
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Yes Lovely woman,
I believe you could dial up a pretty reasonable likeness starting with the Kricket Freebie for v4 at Renderosity.
The 50s Hollywood Hair might get you closer to the Pic attached; but I had to go with Jaguar Radiant Black. My own likeness is not so good as I only put about 30 min into Tweeking the face.
But her face is not overly complicated nothing I dont believe a little time and Patience to get those cheekbones right should not prove to much for you. No reason IMHO you cant dial in a good likeness with Vicky's ++ Morphs. I borrowed from Kaleya's Raeven Charactor for the skin as she seemed really pale in the one frame, but Jillian might do you just fine.
Good Luck with the Portrait BB
50s Hollywood Hair.
Don't know if your still interested but as Portraits are a Passion of mine; I gave Sunny a Try. I'm not 100% happy with the eyes. But if you have V4 with ++ Morphs the Attached DUF I think will give you a very nice head Start. I thinks its a pretty decent likeness of Sunny.
I applied the Morgan Skin, if you dont have that Charactor she'll come out grey; but apply any skin you have you should be fine. I like the Jillian Toon, for mats because I can apply her Make up, lips eyes at all to any toon and thats not always true. BB. I deleted the DUF as its pretty big one meg and of no use to the OP
Thanks a lot, I will try to use this and share the render. How can i use this file into G3 or G2 figure, is there any way to import, I don't have V4 data. Thanks a lot again.
Hmm there is a way to xfer gf2 morphs to v4 I would think its reversable;
ill see if i can xfer tommorow and hopefully post the morph.
I used to try to dial up Sunny for GF3
Now, cant say I am happy with the result. I'm brand new GF3, as I've used V4; exclusively for years; I Honestly forgot it does not come with the base content.So I assumed you should have Vikki. Still If I am not as happy with the likeness as I would like to be, its a good start. I think it really needs some post work in Sculptris. Which is Free.
you could tweek from there.I've reworked the chin, and posted and updated pic and Duf. Probably this is the best I can do today. Never done a G3F morph before, and the tools simular, but not the same as my V++ Morphs. Anyhow its a decent Start I think.
Ok my Final Dialup is posted. She does not look so stern as yesterdays rendering. I think she'll do you for. I used the Maria and Gothic Long Hair sets to get an appropriate Volumn of hair to come close to the photo. You'll Probably have to tweek the Makeup and Brows in an PS or ClipStudio. All the best BB.
Hi All for helping me. I want to know how we dial a face in Genesis 2 and 3. I mean if I need to create a face in 2 D, there are few softwares in which we can trace a photograph and create and artwork. how I can do it in Genesis 2 and 3 by using Dials
Honestly my Friend, Drawing is Drawing whether with a pencil or Dials; and I've 30years with a Pencil. Practice. And work Slow. Take Sunny there, her chin is still too wide, but its maxed on the dial so maybe take that staring point back off a little and add a lil more heart to the face. If I was to give her another go I would also Slant her eyes just a little at the start. The mouth is also still a bit wide, so narrow that just a touch. One good Idea is set a Timer say 90 min or Two hours. Take a Side by side like I have and come back at least an hour later. Its amazing how much jumps out at you with fresh eyes. Use the Sliders to rough things out, but know you'll have to enter exact numbers to get things really tight. So try one, see how it works, then another. Like going to the eye Doctor whats best 25 or 30; 30 ok 30 or 35. 30 again maybe 28 is the ideal chin width. Dont be afraid to crumple and start over, you will have learned from your previous try and the next will very likely be better.
Only so much can be done with the Dials at some point you'll want to save the Obj and work a little deeper in Sculptris or Hexagon; but Genesis is much Friendlier to making morphs this way than Victoria was so you've a leg up there.
For me there is nothing more Satasfying than looking at a face and knowing her Sister would say, Hey thats Sunny!