AniMate2 Problem

in New Users
Hi - So, as an example, in AniMate2 I add a single one cycle walk block. I have the hip locked so the walk is in place. When I (try to) add a second identical block OR stretch the first block to lengthen then time, the objects position always jumps forward at the new block, or at the end of the stretched block. If I add 2 blocks it jumps twice for double the distance. If I adjust the position in the second block, the position of the first block jumps back the same distance as the adjustment. Hmm hope this makes some sense :-) Thanks for any help with this.
I had an issue with a jumping figure. To fix it, I baked my blocks to timeline. Then i found the exact frame where the figure jumped and moved the figure to where I wanted it to be.
I suppose you could also watch the parameters to see which translation is jumping and delete the key for it (keymate).
I'm sure there's an easier way to handle this, but having trouble remembering since it's been a while.
Thanks for the ideas, will try then out and see what happens.