Daz 3d Decimator quality? Before/After pics?
Pondering on whether to go Daz3d route for my characters in an upcoming multiplayer FPS. Look to have 12 characters in-game per match running at 60fps or greater. The obvious issue is balancing visuals w/ performance and that's where my question starts. Does anyone have a page/video/site with comparisons of characters before and after decimation via the Daz3d tool? Are we talking a big jump in quality or hardly noticable? Keep in mind the game I'm making is an FPS, so this isn't a CGI quality Final Fantasy type deal.
PS: Could someone do the whole high poly to low poly bake method to preserve even more visual quality with Daz characters that have decimated meshes? Thanks.
First, you need have the Game Developer Licenses for the content you wish to use - assuming that there is a game developer license for the items.
How low are you wanting to take the polygon count? That will obviously affect the quality of the result - as will the amount of fine detail on the models you wish to reduce.
You may want to look at Daz' sister site, Morph3D https://www.morph3d.com/
Looking to have around 15-20k per body.
Well, the base Genesis figures are of that order - but if you add clothes and hair you would need to decimate quite heavily on those (and probably use the Geometry Editor tool or go into an actual modeller to remove the hidden parts of the base figure and any clothing).
For the Genesis 2 & Genesis 3 characters you can decimate to 15K - 20K but if you are going 'realistic' then you just as well buy the Morph Character System male & female. They may even still be free over at the MCS site. MCS characters are Genesis 2 characters.
Some morphs will look very bad at 15K - 20k but then again if you were to export all the morphs that would be a very big character mesh size.
Well, Morph looks like it would work for my purposes....however the issue of custom clothing comes in. I read somewhere that Morph3d might have the ability to introduce custom clothing sometime this year, but not yet? Any inside knowledge of that situation? Also, can you at least re-texture the clothing that they have available for purchase with Morph 3D? I could possibly work with some place holders until the clothes are fully modifiable.