Retrieving Product Codes...A Delicate Matter

I'm working on my men characters this morning with a quest to create 10 of them....
So I had a Genesis figure and an M4 figure side by side (I had bought some characters that you could apply to both)
Well when it came time for the toast, I inadvertently applied M4's to Genesis. A popup came up saying "retrieving product codes..." and basically hangs out there all day. The only way for me to get out of it that I can tell is to the CTRL-ALT-DEL thing and End Task.
I haven't thought about it but I guess you can't mix and match? The only drawback I see is that the Gen.inj that came with the model seems to work on M4's but not on Genesis so I guess on Genesis I would have to use the Genesis gens and "size" it up myself.
Anyway, what is the "retrieving product code" thing? Is this normal?
If I can take care of this problem then I only have one other one. :)
I've just come across the same thing. In my case I was deliberately trying to use the M4 gens on Genesis. This was because I bought a character with both Genesis and M4 Mats but the genital mats only work with the M4 Gens. It seems to be impossible to apply M4 Mats to the Genesis Male Anatomy. I know there is a freebie out there but it doesn't work on my system (DS 4.6 on an iMac i7 2012).
Well sorry all I can say is good luck with that. I never received any kind of answer and for the most part I have ditched M4 altogether. My primary means of doing anything is through Genesis now although I do use M4 textures all the time so it's not a totally ditch.
Just curious, have you considered upgrading to M4/V4 Shapes for Genesis instead?
Since most wardrobes, textures, and props are forward compatible [as per the auto-fit features in Genesis] yet newer features are not backwards compatible [i.e. M5 or M6 wardrobes, textures, mats on M4 or M3] because the pre-Genesis models were standalone creations. Besides with all the new plugins for Genesis, the small investment is really worth it vs. the time-sink and headache of a work-around.
Secondly, you can take your current scene and export all your poses an such that you have created and create a new model and apply all your previous work to the new model. That way, if you create a new Genesis male and morph him into the M4 character you can simply apply the poses and original coordinates and in moments you've swapped them out. Also the new models have better features and are generally more versatile all around.
Just an idea.
You can also grab these for Freak, Aiko, Hiro, and Girl out of the Gen 4 line up...
...and V3, M3, A3, H3, S3, and The Freak here...
Then you will be 99% capable of using pretty much the entire past library of items with Genesis models... [or so I am to be led to understand]
I have all of these [I think] and I have never had any issues with auto-fit or poke-away... yet...
Maybe someone else could help me shine more light on this... I could stand to be corrected.
Hi...when I started my plunge into 3dness, and I can't say I even remember how I found the Daz site, they were selling the G4 series. Then shortly after that I was broken into twice and well I gave up.
Then when I came back, things have a habit of nagging me to death, I think YT5 was for sale. I bought the G5 series at that time. So M4/V4 hasn't really been a figure I used. There are tons and tons of stuff for those figures so I spend a lot of time making them work for Genesis. I've even used M3/M4 clothing for the Sasquatch character so I'm not afraid of trying different things.
So I currently use M4 skins for Genesis skins, gens, etc. It's kind of strange. I don't really use the main figures per se but I buy a lot of characters based upon the main ones and use those. So for M4, recently I delved into GenX and have successfully transferred some character morphs over but beyond that I haven't done too much. Mainly I just use the clothes, skins, etc.
I've learned how to do a lot of things and of course there are work-a-rounds. At work we are the kings and queens of work-a-rounds so I know all about that lol.
So I've learned a lot but it all doesn't quite click yet. I'm still dangerous in this neck of the woods. I can drive straight and then all of a sudden veer off and go over a cliff. It's that easy. But I feel like I am getting there.
I do own the V4/M4 morphs for Genesis but I can't say that I have used it yet.
I'm currently upgrading all my models from 4 to Gen3. this is a LOOOONG slow and expensive process, so I been buying things I need one at a time. well, I decided "Ok, Gen3 Gens are oddly hidden in a package that cost over a hundred bucks(don't ask me why we cant buy them separately, obviously there must be a good reason that my puny human brain with its silly earth ideas just cant comprehend), so as i'm not made out of money i decided to just try slapping M4's gens on the Gen2 model.... and now I'm here.. XD
So, is there a fix for this yet? preferable, one that wont cost over a hundred dollars...
OK, So i found a work around kind-of.
if you load in a M4, load the Genitals onto him, then load in a Gen1, fit the Genitals to him, you can fit the Genitals to Gen2, and even Gen3 if you want.... The only real problem I encountered was the Gentitals will become a little deformed and will stick straight out rather than hanging down, BUT the worst part was the fact that the Genitals all became one solid piece, so you can't pose them or anthything any more after they are fit to the Gen model your want to use...
Long story short, you're better off just buying the M7 pro-bundle. Agian, Idealy we would have the option to buy that part seperate(as everything else in a bundle gives you that option,) but this is how it is. IF you hapen to already own EVERYTHING else thats in the pro-bundle, then you end up having to pay over a hundred bucks just to get a penis.. >_>