360° Cyclorama HoboBO Compatible

d_jppd_jpp Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Freebies

This stuff, you permit to create a 360° Cyclorama based on HoboBo Backdrop textures


- It's Built into a cylinder and it's divided in 5 parts
- The front face and the back face (mapped with same map), and right side and left side which are created with the same symmetric texture.
- The ground is recuperated in a part of the original ground image, and it is remapped by an other way to be better

Cyclorama :

You can fit the same image for all surfaces, but you could to apply one different for each surfaces.

Warning, one on two images is reversed by horizontal symmetry.
It is possible to mask one side ( transparency of this one side =100%) to have a larges angle field, to track back the main camera .
- You can reduce and enlarge this cyclorama sizes in 3 directions
- you can make lights effects, adjusting level of ambient color , sides and ground , and add spots and distant lights
- If you put "cast shadows" "on" ,the lights is stopped as if is went through a deep forest , or is stopped by a wall,
- If you switch "off" "cast Shadows",the shadows are created normally on the hearth
Take care , if the level of ambient color is too height , the shadow could be vanish.
- You can add , bump map , and transparency map
-You can build a transparency map, with a thin line on map top edge , in level of gray , from the white to the black
- This one apply on transparency channel, permit you to mix top of the texture to Background


  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    What's the difference between this and Millenium Environment? http://www.daz3d.com/shop/millennium-environment

  • d_jppd_jpp Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    What's the difference between this and Millenium Environment? http://www.daz3d.com/shop/millennium-environment

    Some of those environments are only designed for one face or an angle of aperture equivalent at 60°, sometime 3 faces
    mostly on the cases, you can use the background image of this products in 360° cyclorama.
    But they are no verticals surfaces to apply other stuff than backdrop.
    If you wants to add a foregrounds , simply uses a Primitives plans , and applies directly accessory pictures and trans-maps on it
    If you uses this one, you can try it. puts image from textures folder onto surface with the browser
    At the beginning, this stuff is designed to use only one picture to create 360° background,
    The combination between HoboBo textures and 360° Cyclorama is a free response to a commercial trick

    Try it and enjoy

  • mininessiemininessie Posts: 324
    edited December 1969

    i think is a good idea!!! :D

  • d_jppd_jpp Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    How to adjust the light in a 360 ° Cyclorama

    µdome 3 or 4 sources + Cast Off Shadows + Ambient to 0-> normal lighting in the axis of the camera

    I specify in the axis of the camera, and then what the Ambient channel is at zero, the rest of the cyclorama is so immersed in theDark, as what it happening in a sunset or Sunrise , this is evident when the cyclorama is a large space, less in sizes medium-sized spaces,

    The second, adjust the ambient channel 15% so that all of the bumper are lights itself, but with "cast shadows off" always, the amendment of the canal ambient remaining for the ground zero, it is the µdome in charge. This allows to maintain a general way highlight environment, while keeping the spread of shading on the ground

    General shadow effects, this is what can happen if the light by one side of the scene and what is stopped by an obstacle such as: a wall or a dense stand of trees

    A shadow you then are going to spread to the stage area within, to do this simply to the surface of the 360 ° Cyclo mode Cast Shadows, on. The portion of area shade so that the shadow is generated by the cyclorama itself

    the addition of a "transmap" more may change the shadow to give a perfect representation of the surface that generates the shadow (fuzzy niches at the top of the shadow area, mouchetage etc.)

    Another possibility, is to create an another mode of lights, don't care the "cast shadow"

    He comes to 4 light remote sources allocated in the following manner

    source N ° 1 X variable = Y 0 ° power between 50% and 75% color white (or another) Shadows on

    source N ° 2 X = - 15 ° Y 90 ° power between 50% and 75% color white (or another) Shadows off

    source N ° 1 X = - 15 ° Y - 90 ° power between 50% and 75% color white (or another) Shadows off

    source N ° 1 X = - 15 ° Y 180 ° power between 50% and 75% color white (or another) Shadows off

    15% angle allows to illuminate the cyclorama on all these faces, angle X must be increased by the proximity of the bumper. to avoid a fringe dark at the top of the cyclorama (unless this effect is desired)

    we adjust it is 4 sources to a null object to be able to turn this light source in a synchronized way, source n ° 1, which serves as a main lighting

    Backup formats. lt2 or.DS have a problems, these backups delete the null object
    will have to save to Daz or Pz3 format

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