Second Annual Kit Bashing Contest WINNERS ANNOUNCED



  • almahiedraalmahiedra Posts: 1,353
    edited February 2013

    A new entry.

    Title: Steampunk Stalker.

    * Images:

    First, mood render
    Second, luminous render
    Others, details and originals.

    * Clothes:

    1.- Travel Dress V4 (9Mbi )
    2.- Free Seraphim Suit
    3.- M43 Fied Cap V4
    4.- Steampunk Playsuit V4 Boots
    5.- Val Kyrie Gloves V4
    6.- Steampunk Wilde Genesis Boots
    7.- OOt's Jetset V4 Pants

    * Shaders:
    Leatherize, Furify, Fabricator and Metallized Glass

    DS4.5 Render, No postwork

    984 x 860 - 423K
    1517 x 1500 - 3M
    930 x 1500 - 2M
    930 x 1500 - 2M
    930 x 1500 - 2M
    Post edited by almahiedra on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited December 1969

    Well, it wound up a lot more ... neon than I expected, but it was fun to do. It's surprisingly difficult to make this type of outfit look like it even vaguely goes together.

    If I understand the rules correctly, this is an entry for both the Clothing Kit Bash and the Prop Kit Bash, with all of the clothing using Non Cloth Shaders. (And almost all of the building surfaces using, very technically, cloth shaders, for that matter.)

    Items used:


    - lining: DZfire Real Paints shader
    - exterior: Alibea porcelain shaders (RDNA)
    - edge: Age of Armor metallized glass

    Sickleyield Overbust Corset Genesis
    - boning and edges: AliBea porcelain shaders, blue 10
    - panels: Pimp my Prop copper roof tiles to simulate copper scale mail

    Earane for V4 skirt/loincloth
    - Skirt: DZFire Real Metals bronze; all other surfaces made invisible, since they were under the overskirt

    Genesis Morphing Fantasy Dress Overskirt
    - Age of Armour metallized glass shaders

    SickleFuse Supertights
    - Alibea Studio Glass shaders (RDNA)

    DAZ Barbarian Overlord boots
    - cuff: Pimp my Prop copper roof tiles for copper scale mail
    - boot: DZFire real metals bronze
    - toe: AliBea porcelain shaders, blue 10 (RDNA)

    Anarchy for V4 collar (RPublishing)
    - leather section: Gemologica pink diamond
    - metal: Fabricator Mach Pack stitched black leather

    AlfaSeed Fairyling Pantie (RDNA)
    - Arms: AliBea porcelain shaders (RDNA)
    - Gem: Gemologica shader with ambient cranked way up high


    Walls and fireplace from DAZ Mage Tower
    - Main Pillars: Supersuit glow shaders
    - Fireplace and side pillars: Fabricator carved ivory shaders
    - Upper Walls: Fabricator carved ebony shaders
    - Lower Walls: Pimp my Prop marble blocks, with Supersuit dark steel metal overlaid
    - Fireplace grate: Pimp my Prop marble blocks

    Floor: two copies of the steps from Merlin's Monument from DAZ, resized so that one fit partially inside the other and then layered sort of like a cake.
    - Copy 1: Zigraphix' Feng Shui Enamel shaders from ShareCG
    - Copy 2: Maclean's mirror shader settings

    The role of the mage played by Thomas by Phoenix1966, Esidor Hair by Mairy/3Dream, and the stuff around his arms is the DAZ Shadowcaster spell ribbons. No shaders on any of those.

    I think that's everything. (I certainly hope that's everything!)

    1372 x 872 - 3M
  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,195
    edited December 1969

    This is a kitbashed scarlet spiderman I have been working on, I just applied shaders to the clothing to turn him into SpeedStar, an original super hero. Shaders are from the awesome rawart Hero Factory set for the super suit and Randal Loyds Shaders for the Super suit.

    parts used

    GIM_M4H4, gloves
    M4_Messenger, Messenger ArmBands


    webb spinner 2 freebie

    FlamingMan, Boots and scarf

    892 x 1262 - 592K
  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited February 2013

    Here's my entry for this contest. It's going to be the cover art for my comic.

    The characters are all Genesis figures, and all use shaders and seemless shader textures to varying degrees.

    The Night Warrior:
    WTB V4 BDU pants w belt, by William the Bloody (pants and holster thigh strap)
    Genesis Bodysuit from Most Digital Creations (armored T-shirt),
    M4 Men's gloves by Kyotaro (left hand only),
    NG Sunglasses,
    Night Slayers Code 51 belt for V4 from Evilinnocence.
    Barracuda pistol with Holster from Porisimo,
    ammo pouches, back-up pistol and holster, and handcuff pouch from Police Belt set by Anthony Appleyard
    grenades from Spygear set 5 by Francis 2000
    Biker boots, Night Warrior jacket, armor, and gauntlet custom made by me.
    Shaders and textures used—WOS satin shader (bodysuit), R72 leather shaders (boots, belts, holster, gloves, various straps), Ultimate Shader Pack chrome shaders (for sunglasses, gauntlet, and all armor and other metal surfaces), Wilmap's Assorted texture set 3 denim seamless texture (jacket and pants).

    The Buccaneer:
    M4 Mounty pants by Karth,
    18th Century outfit by Varsel (shirt-vest),
    Journey Scout boots,
    V4 Pirate belt by JoEtzoid
    Superhero trunks and belt for M4/F4/H4 by Vacasoft (belt only),
    Coat and mask custom by me
    Shaders used—WOS satin shaders (pants, cravat, shirt), R72 Velvet shaders (jcket and vest), R72 leather shaders (belt, swordbelt, boots), Ultimate Shader Pack chrome shaders (buttons, buckles, mask, and all other metal)

    V4 BDU pants by WTB
    Isotope Skirt by Kari (belt only)
    Cuffed high-heeled boots by Wilmap
    Night Warrior Jacket by me (Jacket only)
    Shaders include—R72 leather shaders (belt, boots, and jacket), Ultimate Shader Set Chrome shaders (buckles, snap,s zippers, etc), Wilmap's Assorted Textures 3 seamless denim texture (pants)

    M4 Blouson set by Mammommo (jeans)
    Mountain Blues boots by Mint 3D
    M4 men's gloves by Kyotaro (right cyberhand)
    fingerless gloves for Geneisis by SickleYield (left hand)
    Famous Hats "Blondie" hat by Studio Art Vartanian
    Basic Wear T-shirt
    Night Warrior Jacket by me
    Shaders—R72 leather shaders (jacket, hat, belt), Ultmate Shader Pack Chrome shaders (cyberhand, zippers, buckles, snaps, etc.)

    V4 Ninja suit by Mammomammo (suit and arm bracers),
    Windwalker footwear and accessory set by JoEtzoid (head band)
    Fiberglass Bow and arrow set by Spyro
    Katana by Area-50
    shoulder harness by me
    Shaders—WoS Satin shaders (ninja suit, headband), R72 Leather shaders (harness) Ultimate Shader Set chrome shaders and metal shaders (bow, swords and saya)

    1333 x 2000 - 302K
    2000 x 1125 - 188K
    2000 x 1125 - 251K
    Post edited by Tramp Graphics on
  • pipirate-2224212pipirate-2224212 Posts: 3
    edited February 2013

    All non-cloth shaders
    Rendered in Daz 4.5, no postwork

    Items used:

    dyald - valens hair
    elleque - v4 simple shawl
    faaeria - shaman necklace
    faaeria - shaman facemask
    faaeria - shaman earring
    gurb464 - fantasy indian outfit top
    richabi - v4 honshu wristbands
    rose2000 - rose's egyptian goddess hip wrap
    rose2000 - rose's morphing dress train
    rose2000 - rose's lady of the nile hip wrap
    technology3d - v4 valentine panty
    xero - templar right kneecap
    xero - templar left kneecap
    xero - templar right shoulder plate
    xero - templar left shoulder plate
    xero - templar belly ring
    journeyer scout - wristguards
    magus - staff
    magus - leggings
    wilmap - roman outfit sandles
    wilmap - genesis riding outfit gloves

    Shaders used:

    calida winter land christmas - crackedice, fracturedice, thinice
    heatherlee - jade
    ultimate shader pack - gold brass
    atrion666 energy construct shaders - orange lantern

    524 x 546 - 39K
    1000 x 562 - 321K
    Post edited by pipirate-2224212 on
  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    Yay! :) One of the most fun contests is back! :D Thank you so much for running it again! I was so happy last week when I found this thread, I am still hyper from the escitement. :)

    This is such a great platform for creativity. And I can see in the excellent entries already posted that people are having a lot of fun with it. With amazing results, too!

    But, I am not entirely sure that my own entry will qualify and for what category... Please help me figure this out!

    Here it goes:

    Title: Gift Of Time
    Software: Carrara 8 Pro, Photoshop (for minimal post)

    All the shaders I used are either Carrara's procedural defaults (in some cases modified by me) or my own, which could be either also procedural or based on tiled-textures.

    Now for the items to which shaders have been applied:
    Aiko 4 head was re-shaded with procedural porcelain-like, glass and metal shaders.

    Aiko 4 robot outfit: Some of these listed elements were re-shaded with various Carrara metal shaders, some with my own brocades, silks and laces and some with a mixture of both categories.
    -- Parris's Aikobot 2 headgear and heeled feet.
    -- AlfaseeD's110.1 torso and arms/hands.
    -- Lady Littlefox's Victorian Innocence: Underpinnings bloomers.
    -- AlfaseeD's Young Soul: Lemonade stockings.
    -- Mada's Just Jokin' sleeves.
    -- Afrodite-Ohki's Lolita Dress dress frame and skirt.

    The Time-Stopping machine: all re-shaded with Carrata's metals and my own metals and leathers.
    -- The AntFarm's Base Camp Vol.1-3 Bundle stand, geared topper, glass dome
    -- Danie & marforno's DM's Clock
    -- Cybertenko's Steam One-Man Band pipes
    -- Nikkelah Ghaz's Steam Heart
    -- Lady Littlefox's VI Circus - Ticket Girl AddOn key

    The table top lamp is a re-shaded combination of
    -- Nightshift3D's Steampunk Shop Clutter shop lamp, and
    -- Abraham, Danie & marforno's Garden Collection wall lantern

    The room is a completely re-shaded with my own shaders Room prop from Danie & marforno's DM's Dusty Memories, and the curtain is from Jack Tomalin's A Curious Hallway with my own tile-textured velvet shader.

    I used some re-shading on almost all the other props in the room as well. But since they are not prominently displayed I am not sure I should be listing them all (it's a very long list).
    Initially I was planning to have the person who got this unique gift also present in the scene, but this is it for now. I might add her to the scene later and post it as another entry, since her outfit will also be kit-bashed.

    So, the question is whether these items are enough for me to qualify in one of the categories and which category should that be?

    2000 x 1500 - 2M
  • JohnDelaquioxJohnDelaquiox Posts: 1,195
    edited December 1969

    Amazing render Antara!

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited February 2013

    Below is my first entry. Title: A wish to call
    Clothing and shaders used:
    Sports Bra from "Basicwear for V4" by Daz3D
    - Parrot Dolphin - Dark Materials

    V4 Domino Coat from "Domino for V4" by Daz3D
    - Parrot Dolphin - Oriental Materials

    cgShorts from "Candy Girl for V4" by vyktohria
    - Parrot Dolphin - Dark Materials

    Half Stocking and Boots from "Thigh Boot for V4" by idler168
    - Parrot Dolphin - Dark Materials

    Rendered in Poser Pro 2012

    1000 x 1000 - 345K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489
    edited December 1969

    My first entry this year:

    Title: Jade

    Clothing Kit Bash entry
    Posed and rendered in DAZ Studio 4.5

    Clothing Items Used:
    Alruna - breastplate
    Dragon Queen for Genesis Female - belt, bracers and sandals
    Eastern Riding Wear for Genesis - pants
    Legion for Genesis - armbands
    Royal Elf for Genesis - cape

    Shaders Used:
    Breastplate, belt (main section) and pants - an Arabian texture from Totally Bazaar
    Bracers, armbands and belt beads - Fabulous Fakes textures from Gemologica (with some adjustments)
    Sandals - straps are a Goodies trim from Totally Bazaar (with colour adjustment), soles are Thai silk from Silkessence
    Cape - a Starry Opaque texture from Fisty's Sparkle Shaders with edging from Totally Bazaar (as above)

    768 x 1024 - 387K
  • KatteyKattey Posts: 2,899
    edited December 1969

    Dollygirl, I really like your render.

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Kattey said:
    Dollygirl, I really like your render.

    Thank you Kattey, that is very kind of you. I really like this Victoria 3 character too. :-)

  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    JohnDelaquiox, thank you!
    I hope someone can clarify for me whether it qualifies and for what category.

  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    Antara said:
    JohnDelaquiox, thank you!
    I hope someone can clarify for me whether it qualifies and for what category.

    Marieah will need to weigh in on the category, but I don't think there's any doubt that it qualifies. ;)

  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    zigraphix said:
    Antara said:
    I hope someone can clarify for me whether it qualifies and for what category.

    Marieah will need to weigh in on the category, but I don't think there's any doubt that it qualifies. ;)

    Thank you! :)

    May I post a kit-bashing example here, which has already been posted elsewhere? (it would not qualify as an entry.)

  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    Marieah said:

    Feel free to post Kit Bashing examples here as inspiration for others as well as contest entries.

    So yes to images posted elsewhere-- just mark them clearly as "not an entry."
  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    This is going to be just an example, NOT an entry.

    For some reason steampunk is something that inspires me to kit-bash. This is an image i created a while ago. It uses the same DM clock and a variety of V4 clothes unified using shaders. Sometimes I used something like a combination of 2 tile-based or procedural shaders and the item-specific bump or alpha map as the function for mixing the 2 procedural shaders.

    But at the end very different pieces of clothes were combined into a single-style outfit through the use of shaders.

    The clothes items used:
    Masquerade Eve by Aery Soul - chocker
    Ava Adore by AlfaseeD - bolero
    Infamous by Lady Littlefox - bustle
    Juliette by Royloo - pants
    Apteromata Bundle by Bad Kitteh Co - corset and wings, with some of Arien's textures used to combine shaders.

    750 x 1000 - 1M
  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Antara said:
    This is going to be just an example, NOT an entry.

    For some reason steampunk is something that inspires me to kit-bash. This is an image i created a while ago. It uses the same DM clock and a variety of V4 clothes unified using shaders. Sometimes I used something like a combination of 2 tile-based or procedural shaders and the item-specific bump or alpha map as the function for mixing the 2 procedural shaders.

    But at the end very different pieces of clothes were combined into a single-style outfit through the use of shaders.

    The clothes items used:
    Masquerade Eve by Aery Soul - chocker
    Ava Adore by AlfaseeD - bolero
    Infamous by Lady Littlefox - bustle
    Juliette by Royloo - pants
    Apteromata Bundle by Bad Kitteh Co - corset and wings, with some of Arien's textures used to combine shaders.

    Such a lovely render, Antara. I was trying to find the Royloo outfit, Would you happen to remember where you got it, please?

  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    Dollygirl said:
    Such a lovely render, Antara. I was trying to find the Royloo outfit, Would you happen to remember where you got it, please?

    Thank you!

    Sorry, I misspelled the name of the product, it's "JULIET for V4/A4" and I don't remember where I got it because Royloo moved stores a few times, but currently you can buy it here:
    Here is the full list of his products since the same outfit is available for other figures as well.

    It is an amazing outfit, but please be advised that I did mess around with morphs and shading domains to get the results I wanted, so it might not be as shading-friendly straight out of the box.

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    Antara said:
    Dollygirl said:
    Such a lovely render, Antara. I was trying to find the Royloo outfit, Would you happen to remember where you got it, please?

    Thank you!

    Sorry, I misspelled the name of the product, it's "JULIET for V4/A4" and I don't remember where I got it because Royloo moved stores a few times, but currently you can buy it here:
    Here is the full list of his products since the same outfit is available for other figures as well.

    It is an amazing outfit, but please be advised that I did mess around with morphs and shading domains to get the results I wanted, so it might not be as shading-friendly straight out of the box.

    Your welcome and thanks for the point. Yes it is. It is nice that the laces are modeled into the outfit. That makes things a little easier. I do understand that you have tweaked and pinched and proded the model. D-Former is my friend in DAZ. I was admiring the lace at the bottom of the pants. So many times I would like to have that touch of lace and when I see an outfit that has that it makes me sit up and take notice. :-)

  • MarieahMarieah Posts: 518
    edited December 1969

    May I post a kit-bashing example here, which has already been posted elsewhere? (it would not qualify as an entry.)

    Antara said:
    zigraphix said:
    I hope someone can clarify for me whether it qualifies and for what category.

    Marieah will need to weigh in on the category, but I don't think there's any doubt that it qualifies. ;)

    The clothing on the Aikobot qualifies your render for the clothing category.

    If the image has been posted elsewhere it won't qualify as an entry, but feel free to post it here as an example.

  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    Marieah said:

    The clothing on the Aikobot qualifies your render for the clothing category.

    If the image has been posted elsewhere it won't qualify as an entry, but feel free to post it here as an example.

    Thank you! This means that "Gift of Time" is running in the clothes category.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited February 2013

    Curse you people for continuing to raise the bar! On the other hand, I’ve really learned a lot in the last couple of weeks thanks to this contest. I can’t claim to have been a complete newcomer to shaders, but I feel like I’ve been through Sgt. Marieah’s Kit-Bash Boot Camp (motto: we’re Shadey and We like It That way.)

    As for my latest entry, this one started off as a riff on all those late-sixties/early seventies Euro-Sci-Fi flicks like Barbarella and Wild, Wild Planet with their fetish costumes, but the strong resemblance of the main costume to John Phillip Law’s burglar gear in Danger: Diabolik quickly mutated the whole thing into a full-fledged ode to legendary director/cinematographer Mario Bava.

    Caption: “For 300 years, no mortal man had survived passage through the Sacred Pool of Tirg-Nabog… but the Pool’s Guardians had never faced a woman... let alone one who was also a Berserker-Mage!”


    Mask – Bad Girl by Richabri
    Cloak – Roxana Yaroslavna for Genesis by Bobbie25 & Luthbel
    Crosses/beads – Victress for V4 by Propschick
    Outer tunic – Woodlander by Bobbie25
    Breast plates – Fantasy Assassins by dx30
    Gloves – Angeluz Fantasy Armor by Val3d & Lesthat
    Under skirt/straps/thong– Fantasy Fusion by Daz3d
    Belt/Outer skirt/Hip shields - " " " "
    Right leg strap (single) – V4 Warrior by svd1
    Left Leg strap (double) – h3dea messenger
    Boots – Space Dweller for V4 by Ravenhair

    Supersuit – Black Leather, Brown leather, Lt. Blue glow, FX_Lightning Pearl, Old Steel
    Fabricator – Suede, velvet & leather weaves (set own diffuse)
    Hardcore Utility Shaders – Rubber, Shiny Steel - M
    DZ Real Metals – Stainless Steel Hors, Stainless Steel Vert

    SET –

    A Thousand and Three Nights by Daz 3d
    Corroded City (from old Daz Freebie library)
    Deco Classic (That’s the window, being used as a canopy, sticking out dead center)
    Castle Creator by Faveral
    Sky System
    Glasseye Skydome


    Pimp My Prop – Marble Blocks 03 & 04
    Fisty’s Liquid Shaders – Red Wine, Milk, Oil
    Hardcore Utility Shaders – Shiny Gunmetal M
    Hybrid Grunge Rust-Icator

    One final note – the creatures were created by placing V3’s skeleton inside a Genesis figure and auto-fitting it to match body shapes made from combinations of Raw Art’s Garoul, Slim Man, Taurian II, Smay’s Zombie & Stalker Girl, Freak 5, Abominable, etc… you get the idea. I had no idea that the effect would be so dynamic until it was mentioned by DaWaterRat in this thread here: I then replaced the skeleton textures, except for the teeth and eyes, with Fisty’s Liquid Milk and the rest of the body with Fisty’s Red Wine. The eyes are the red glow from the Supersuit bundle.


    Fisty’s Liquid Shaders: Red Wine, Milk
    Supersuit – Red Glow

    (Oh, and thanks gilikshe for the idea of posting multiple rendered views. I was going thru conniptions trying to find compromises between the right camera angles/pose/lighting combinations and views that showed off all of a costume and textures in one shot, with things that looked more dynamic. This way is MUCH simpler.)

    EDIT: Added the image of the parts breakdown.

    Eligible for:
    Clothing Kit Bash
    Building Kit Bash

    1000 x 1000 - 191K
    1000 x 1647 - 953K
    1545 x 2000 - 773K
    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    OMG! That skeleton idea is so cool. It also works for the M4 skeleton which is what I have.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 1969

    Zawarkal said:
    OMG! That skeleton idea is so cool. It also works for the M4 skeleton which is what I have.

    Yeah, I had to give it a try as soon as I read it. The skeletons break up pretty badly if you put a lot of extreme morphs on them, but between the shaders and careful posing, it covered over the worst of the problems well enough. Definitely an unexpected side-benefit of Genesis. :)
  • smoke14smoke14 Posts: 261
    edited December 1969

    Another attempt at kit bashing.

    "Hunter or Hunted"

    Clothing used:
    Midnight Hunter - pants, belts
    War Dog for Genesis - gloves
    Dragon Rage - boots
    Narquelir'Kir - shirt
    Defiant - bracers
    Bad Guy for Genesis - holster
    Pirate for M4 - eyepatch

    Shaders used:
    MachPack (used for all cloth/metal materials on all the clothing pieces)

    1500 x 1941 - 1M
  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    These are not entries.

    "Holiday Ball" is an image I put together for the launch thread of my "Pattern Magic I" product a few years ago. She's wearing the Princess Gown skirt, Raiver top, Far Journeyer sleeves. I think most of what he's wearing came from M4 Regency, but with new shaders.

    "The Fool" was created for one of the Tarot contests that periodically run in the PC Members forum. The corset, shirt, and gloves are from Lady Littlefox's Steampunk Dress. Skirt and hat are from LLF Jester. Pantaloons are from LLF Victorian Innocence. Shaders are from my Pattern Magic I set.

    "Lost Things" was a promo for a set of tiling presets I created for DAZ using the Stressed Metal Texture Kit in the PC. This is one of the sets DAZ bought from me but never released.

    The three Asian figures are wearing clothes using a set of tiling shader presets I created for the PC texture kit "Jewels of Architecture SE: Orientalia Vol. 1." The folding screen is also textured from this set. I never submitted this set to DAZ because they decided not to proceed with these sets.

    500 x 650 - 262K
    500 x 650 - 384K
    350 x 600 - 79K
    619 x 713 - 312K
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489
    edited December 1969

    My second attempt:

    Title: Come With Me

    Clothing Kit Bash entry, using only Marieah's shaders
    Posed and rendered in DAZ Studio 4.5
    Little bit of poke-through fixed in Photoshop Elements 9

    Clothing Items Used - Man:
    M4 Alchemist - pants and boots
    M4 Urban Wear - shirt
    Evilson - vest and gauntlets
    M4 Nighthawk - hood and cape

    Shaders Used:
    Boots and gauntlets - Leatherize worn leather with suede and MachPack metal trims
    Pants - Fabricator velvet
    Shirt - Ye Olde Clothe blacking
    Vest - Fabricator velvet, Leatherize suede and MachPack metal trims
    Hood and cape - Fabricator velvet

    Clothing Items Used - Girl:
    Defiant for Genesis - tunic, belt and sword
    Buccaneer Basic for Genesis - pants
    Wolf King for Genesis Male - boots
    Genesis Ranger - cape

    Shaders Used:
    Boots, belt and sword - Leatherize leather and MachPack metals
    Pants - Ye Olde Clothe velvet and plain with MachPack metal trims
    Tunic - Ye Olde Clothe velvet
    Cape - Ye Olde Clothe velvet (including velvetising one of the damask patterns)

    768 x 1024 - 400K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870
    edited December 1969

    I am entering this clothing kit bash in the following categories:

    Best First Time Clothing Kit Bash (this is my first time entering a kit bash contest)
    Best Clothing Kit Bash Using Non Cloth Shaders (Used only Pimp my Prop shaders)
    Best Clothing Kit Bash Using a 4blueyes Product (Real Feel Pullover Genesis)
    Best Clothing Kit Bash Using Exclusively Marieah’s Shaders (Used only Pimp my Prop shaders)

    Outfits used:

    Real Feel Pullover Genesis (PulloverGenesis01.duf)
    Dragon Queen for Genesis Female (DrQueenCollar.duf)
    MFD for Genesis Expansion Pack 2 (CorsetExp2.dsf)
    Mall Girl for Genesis (Tights.duf)
    Carhop for Genesis Female (50sCHRSkates.duf)
    Wilmap's Genesis Skirts available on ShareCG (Genesis Mini Flared Skirt.dsf)

    I shaded the arms and cuffs of the pullover and the Dragon Queen collar to make a red ribbed sweater with standup collar. I shaded the body of the pullover and the skirt to make the yellow dress worn over the red sweater.
    I shaded the corset and skates to match each other and coordinate with the red sweater.
    I shaded the tights to look like fish net stockings.

    Shaders used
    (All from Marieah's Pimp My Prop):
    Aluminum Siding - on Pullover arms and cuffs, with diffuse color set to red
    Aluminum Siding - on Dragon Queen Collar, with diffuse color set to red
    Stucco Mouldy - on Pullover body and Wilmap's skirt
    Marble 04 (red) - on MFD corset and skates leather
    Lattice 02 - on Mall Girl Tights
    Old Paint - on corset laces and skate laces

    This scene was composed and rendered in DAZ Studio 4.5, postwork in Photoshop CS6.

    Title: Skater coming through!

    1690 x 1453 - 1M
  • TheWheelManTheWheelMan Posts: 1,014
    edited December 1969

    Title: What's That?

    Programs used:
    Poser Pro 2012
    Photoshop CS6 Extended
    Topaz Adjust 5
    Photoframe 4.6 Professional

    Clothing Kit Bash entry:
    K4 (K4 Elvira texture with EZSkin2 SSS shaders)
    GiGi Garden Girl top - Silkessence Ivory Rose shader
    Everyday Kids Girl skirt - Fabricator Floral4 shader
    K4 Sweetheart: tights (Gothic Materials shaders) & shoes (Fabricator Floral4 shaders, MachPack leather weave)
    Fantasy Dwarf lantern - MachPack metal bronze shader
    Anika K4: hair ribbon (Fabricator Floral4 shader) & glasses (MachPack bronze shader)

    Soulless Empathy items used in scene:
    Canyon Terrain
    Versatile Terrain

    1600 x 960 - 211K
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited February 2013

    ANOTHER one?

    Yep, put together #15 while watching the Oscars. Meet Nata Fett, the first character to be unveiled from the first chapter in the upcoming Disney/J.J.Abrahms Star Wars Trilogy: Episode 7 - JEDI HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL . The product of a one-night liaison between a very deceased bounty hunter (she was conceived approximately six hours before Papa Bobba met the Sarlac’s tum-tum,) Nata has sworn vengeance on the daughter of father’s killer, who just so happens to ALSO be her rival for the Jedi High school play: Hannah Leia Organa-Solo. Wackiness ensues!


    Helmet – Angeluz Angeluz Fantasy Armor by Val3d & Lesthat
    Collar – Spacegirl by Chasfh
    Vest – Wilde Rhodes for Genesis by xenic 101, Orion 1167
    Upper Arm Bracers – Ray 4046 by Halcyone
    Sleeves – V4 Badgirl 4 by Richabri
    Gloves – Ray 4046 by Halcyone
    Pants – Kawa-rev 6 by BATLAB
    Thigh Plates – Marauders for Genesis
    Oxygen Tanks – Spacegirl by Chasfh
    Boots – Liquid Halo for Genesis
    Giant Kitty Head by slochez

    GUNS (two props merged into one)
    Apoclyptica set 3 - Rifle for V4 by 3-D-C
    Ray 4046 R Pistol by Halcyone

    (I Started to do a set, but when I put the background smoke in, the pose really said all that needed to be said, so it's just a ground plane with a shader and SKY SYSTEM in the background.)

    SHADERS USED (it’s a LONG list) –



    DLD LEATHER SHADERS – White Naugahyde

    Orchid, Rose – LT Baby Blue, Blush, Grape

    FABRICATOR – Brocade Purple


    DotSparkle Lavender
    Glitterpaint – Pink, Purple, Deep Purple, Viloet, Deep Violet, White, Silver, BLue
    Colors – Pink, Magenta, Fushia, Purple,
    FX Glows – Pink, Red, Green, blue
    Crushed Velvet – purple
    Velvet – Purple 1, 2, 3
    Leather Suede (Raspberry)
    Plastic - Plum Sparkle, Silverish Fury, White Sparkle
    White Fur

    Eligible for:
    Clothing Kit Bash

    1000 x 1000 - 239K
    607 x 1000 - 292K
    1000 x 1647 - 970K
    Post edited by Cybersox on
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