Installing the Blank Boi

Hi, I hope someone here can help me.
I experience problems installing the Blank Boi.
When the I run the installer, it automatically chooses the installation path "My Library" but installs to "Runtime" folder inside "My Library".
Even if I choose another installation path it creates a Runtime folder within the folder I told it to install to.
Plus, I can't find any content in DAZ Studio itself - the folders are shown, but they are shown as empty (except the materials).
Even if I copy the installed files from Runtime back into My Library, DAZ Studio wouldn't show me the content and thus I always have to import everything (*.cr2, *.pz2 files and so on) by File-Import.
I found some way to fix this by importing the poses, materials, props as well as the Blank Boi itself and saving them as presets - one by one, but it gets annoying and I am wondering: Is it not supposed to install similar to the genesis content? (Run Installer - run DS and everything is there - ready for use.)
Another problem: half of the materials in the MATS folder don't work (the velvet ones), I can't figure out why, 'though.
Thanks for the help in advance!
You are suppose to install the files to My Library. Once they are installed you can go to your Content Library tab then select Poser Format/My Library and you will find your files in there.
Everything (except the velvet skins) works! Thank you so much!! :)
Blank Boi is in Poser Format (CR2), and the installer will look for a folder called Runtime inside the My Library folder to put them in. If there is no Runtime folder in the install folder, then the installer will create one, that is how it is supposed to work. If you load Poser content directly into the My Library folder without using a Runtime folder, DAZ Studio will NOT see the items at all (as you have already found out) Just point the installer to the My Library folder, and it will do the rest.
There are both Poser and DAZ Studio materials for this item. The textures will be loaded from Poser Formats > My Library > Pose, and you should find them inside that folder. These Poser files (PZ2) are known as MAT Pose files, since they don't actually 'pose' the character, but they change the texture for you in a very easy way.
Did all that. The velvets are not working. Please help,
The velvets may well be Poser-only. You should, if that is the case, be able to recreate something similar using one of the DazStudio shaders - are you rendering in 3Delight or Iray?