The 3Delight Stand Alone Render Engine Thread (BATCH RENDERING DISCOVERED!)



  • dotokindotokin Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    Many thanks! Will workaround rendering in Blender.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    hopefully that will get fixed. It's a huge issue and is a major roadblock to using DS professionally... :(

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited March 2013

    wancow said:
    hopefully that will get fixed. It's a huge issue and is a major roadblock to using DS professionally... :(


    I take this occasion once again to say that something needs to change.

    Yes there are some contracts. Yes there is some special kind of deal.

    But NO it is not a solution that customers have to go to such extremes for simple batch rendering of animations and then it does not even work properly.

    I am aware that it cannot be a free solution but there needs to be some kind of paid solution for DS users that is custom tailored to DS users that want to use DS to batch render with the 3Delight Engine.

    Its 2013 now and the only solution we have is to use comand prompt orders?

    Batch rendering should be a core functionality of any software designed for rendering computer graphics images.

    What is needed is an internal or external application with an interface. The ability to queue renders. The ability to pause and resume renders. If possible the ability to set a timed schedule to render at specific times and then pause again.

    Make us pay 100$, make us pay 200$ make us pay 600$ but please give us some kind of version of DS that can be used professionally.

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited March 2013

    Producing RIB files is something DS does without any connection to 3Delight. Those can be rendered in any engine that reads RIB. This is a core DAZ Studio issue, and should not have anything to do with any agreement with 3Delight... if it does, that's messed up! I highly doubt DAZ would agree to limit their RIB generating abilities and I highly doubt 3Delight would demand they do so...

    I'm betting this is just a rather big oversight the DAZ code team...

    DAZ already will produce Animations in AVI or individual images natively through 3Delight. It's just the RIB export that doesn't work as it should.

    Batch rendering in 3Delight is done by sequences of file names. For instances, I did two test renders, test1 and test2. So I type: renderdl -id test1_collected\test1.rib test2_collected\test2.rib

    3Delight will render both files and they will be stored in iDispay till I save them. I have not yet tried to do more than four images, but I do know this works.

    Post edited by wancow on
  • SF-DesignSF-Design Posts: 987
    edited December 1969

    I wrote a batch file (windows) to use the 3delight stand alone render in batch mode. Usefull when having lots of
    XXX_collected folders and just want to start the rendering process of ANY of these.

    It worked fine for me all the time. The important part is the change directory to the actual one of of the rib file in collected folder. We do not need the rib files in the folder above, they only work as long the scene is open in DAZ. At least thats what I experienced.

    @echo off
    for /R %%f in (*.rib) do (         
        cd %%~pf
        renderdl "%%~ff"

    Just create a batch with that content, name it what you like and start it. It is a simple loop that
    goes through all XXX_collected folders and renders the rib file creating the render. tiff in the XXX_collected folder.

    I tried to expand that script to auto rename the render.tiff to the matching folder number, I was able to get extract the number with substrings etc. but unfortunately for the first 2 or the files the file name was mismatched. I do not know why it started not until the 2nd or 3rd folder to read the correct folder name to create the right file name from that by extracting with substrings. Maybe someone got an idea. The renaming part is remarked out at the moment and I just worked with echo to print the "new" name of the file.
    Maybe someone got an idea. Well it is not a big thing to rename all the render.tiff later with a rename tool but I would find it nifty to have it all in one script :)

  • edited December 1969

    You guys never mentioned this good thing about the standalone 3delight allows guys like me with ancient pcs to render without them exploding because its running daz at the same time!

    btw. You don't even have to use a command prompt to start a render, just double click on the rib file in the collected folder and it starts rendering

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited December 1969

    Anybody use this lately? I downloaded the latest version today, but can't get the standalone renderer to work right. It either renders all in black and white, or partially in black and white and some textures ok. It's like it's not creating or not finding all the texture information. And yes, I'm rendering the rib file inside the file_collected folder. Rendering the one outside gives no textures whatsoever. With the one inside, the textures are there, there is just no color.

  • XoechZXoechZ Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    wwes said:
    Anybody use this lately? I downloaded the latest version today, but can't get the standalone renderer to work right. It either renders all in black and white, or partially in black and white and some textures ok. It's like it's not creating or not finding all the texture information. And yes, I'm rendering the rib file inside the file_collected folder. Rendering the one outside gives no textures whatsoever. With the one inside, the textures are there, there is just no color.

    Exactly the same problem here. So I stopped using the standalone and wait for an update, because something seems to be broken somewhere. But I dont know if it is DAZ (creating a faulty RIB file) or 3Delight.

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited December 1969

    I actually had some success going back. The latest version is 11.something, but I had an old version that was 10.4. By reinstalling the older version I got it to work. Maybe Daz is still using the older version and isn't quite compatible with the latest 3delight version available.

  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    No problem at all works like it always had. Just tried an export with DS and 3delight v11.0.57
    I only have some problem with some custom made shaders when exporting but that is a special case. But with one Arealight and ubersurface, no problem
    Begin with simple scenes and see if there are errors shown

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited December 1969

    No problem at all works like it always had. Just tried an export with DS and 3delight v11.0.57
    I only have some problem with some custom made shaders when exporting but that is a special case. But with one Arealight and ubersurface, no problem
    Begin with simple scenes and see if there are errors shown

    Well, I'm using DS with 3delight 11.0.57

    Still getting grayscale images.
    Last two pictures show the folder contents and the render from the internal 3delight renderer in Daz Studio.

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  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited December 1969

    The previous render was with texture maps applied to the diffuse channel, but the diffuse color set to white. For this picture, I added diffuse colors to each surface. The color shows up, but textures still appear as grayscale.

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  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited December 1969

    Maybe it's my graphics card?

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  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    Did some test again also with DS In fact I do have the problem too

    All textures also show Black and white with the latest 3delight 11.0.57.

    I didn't see it at the begining because I didn't have just white diffuse with a texture. If you use SSS shaders, you get the SSS color for example

    May be it is just a problem with the diffuse.

    I tried with 3delight 11.0.31 and the problem wasn"t there

  • rlcwallpapersrlcwallpapers Posts: 14
    edited December 1969

    wwes said:
    No problem at all works like it always had. Just tried an export with DS and 3delight v11.0.57
    I only have some problem with some custom made shaders when exporting but that is a special case. But with one Arealight and ubersurface, no problem
    Begin with simple scenes and see if there are errors shown

    Well, I'm using DS with 3delight 11.0.57

    Still getting grayscale images.
    Last two pictures show the folder contents and the render from the internal 3delight renderer in Daz Studio.

    Did you figure out why your renders are coming in black and white? I am having the same problem, some textures show in colour but some in black in white....

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114
    edited May 2014

    Did you figure out why your renders are coming in black and white? I am having the same problem, some textures show in colour but some in black in white….

    Not really, I think the latest version of DS doesn't export to RIB in a way that the latest version of 3delight can read. If you can find a little older version of 3delight, it will work. You could also test out the latest public beta of Daz Studio and see if the problem goes away. Sorry, that's all i know.

    Post edited by 3WC on
  • rlcwallpapersrlcwallpapers Posts: 14
    edited December 1969

    I did, I found a version 3delight 9.0.123 installed it and I get the different result but still some of the textures are not being loaded properly.
    I will try using the new Beta version of Daz and see if that gives me a better result.

    Thanks for your reply

  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    I did some other tests. The problem doesn't seem to happen with all shaders and only shows up with 3delight 11.0.57. If you use a lower build, no problem at all
    Ubersurface, A0A SSS shader and DS Default shader are impacted
    The only supplied shader that is safe is Omnifreaker's human surface
    I also have custom written shaders and I don't have problem with mine. I've no idea how that could happen as we don't have the source code of the shaders

    So it is a combination of the way shaders are written as well as the 3delight version.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    If you use a lower build, no problem at all

    It's kind of a big problem for those of us who just started using 3Delight and don't HAVE a lower build.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited May 2014

    Wayback machine version of 11.0.24 for x86

    Those of us with x64 versions can only get 10.0.4

    This upsets me. I bought the batch render product today, but if it doesn't work with the latest DS, then it's useless to me. I don't want to return it, but I may have to... :(

    Post edited by Karibou on
  • rlcwallpapersrlcwallpapers Posts: 14
    edited December 1969

    Wayback machine version of 11.0.24 for x86

    Those of us with x64 versions can only get 10.0.4

    This upsets me. I bought the batch render product today, but if it doesn't work with the latest DS, then it's useless to me. I don't want to return it, but I may have to... :(

    Thanks a lot KaribousBoutique that solved my problem:
    I got everything working now, yeah it was a problem with Daz and the new 3Delight version, so I installed the new Daz beta and the 3Delight version 10.0.4 and the render is developing before my eyes in full textures, it is slow but it is working.... Thanks to all for the help.

  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674
    edited January 2015

    Ok, Necro thread time.

    I'm trying this out. I've found some problems.

    Using Daz

    (I'm on a mac, using the Unix interface). I have the manual

    I'm making the rib file based on the instructions in the first post in this thread.

    One) the command

    renderdl file.rib 
    works, and gives me a rendered file named render.tiff
    Two) the command
    renderdl file1.rib file2.rib
    works and process each rib file in sequence, BUT, because of point 1 (a rendered file named render.tiff), they overwrite the previous render.
    Three) The second renders in the sequence are all messed up in terms of shaders. Most things being blacked out.

    Four) THIS IS THE BIG ONE. It seems with my set up of the program on my main drive and the library files on a secondary, I need to have the scene loaded in Daz Studio to be able to use the stand alone renderer....I TRIED to a render of one of the RIB's I made last nite, after D|S was turned off, and the result was again, the right geometry, but mostly black colors,
    There were a lot of errors in the Terminal:

    3DL ERROR T2040: '/Users/Scav/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/d687_3duG2FWillowCutoffJeans_DS.tdl' not found
     (in shader 'dzdisplace' on object 'shapematerial_Pants_BeltBuckles_37573_92bd')
    3DL ERROR T2373: cannot read 3D texture file '/Users/Scav/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/d687_3duG2FWillowCutoffJeans_DS.tdl'
     (No such file or directory) (in shader 'dzdisplace' on object 'shapematerial_Pants_BeltBuckles_37573_92bd')
    3DL ERROR T2040: '/Users/Scav/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/d669_3duG2FWillowTorso_DF.tdl' not found
     (in shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Surface' on object 'shapematerial_Hips_39140_9253')
    3DL ERROR T2373: cannot read 3D texture file '/Users/Scav/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/d669_3duG2FWillowTorso_DF.tdl'
     (No such file or directory) (in shader 'brickyard/{407f8e5c-3a9b-4708-b5e5-799ff1fe7c1d}/shader_Surface' on object

    Loading the picture and making a new RIB fixed that..but the problem seems to be that it's looking for info in a temp folder, that would be deleted when the program closes (most likely).
    I have Collect and Localize checked in making the RIB so I thought that would avoid this kind of problem?

    Post edited by fixmypcmike on
  • skydatskydat Posts: 25
    edited December 1969

    The overwrite problem should be easily solved by a Command Line Batch file using % variables, something like

    set %i
    for i < 10000 do
    render filname%i
    %i = %1 + 1

    This has the advantage of writing out files as they are rendered, storing them in memory is asking for trouble in the event of a crash.

    . I'm tired now, otherwise I'd send you a working script, it should be easy to search for one though. I'm suprised the command line does not let you determine how many cores it renders on; seems a weird oversight concidering how you can have Luxrender doing work all day on 2-3 cores.

    As for the different images, LOL, what can I say, how hard is it to keep 2 versions compiled, kinda makes it a no go product if it just wastes your time?

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674
    edited December 1969

    skydat said:
    The overwrite problem should be easily solved by a Command Line Batch file using % variables, something like

    set %i
    for i < 10000 do
    render filname%i
    %i = %1 + 1

    This has the advantage of writing out files as they are rendered, storing them in memory is asking for trouble in the event of a crash.

    . I'm tired now, otherwise I'd send you a working script, it should be easy to search for one though. I'm suprised the command line does not let you determine how many cores it renders on; seems a weird oversight concidering how you can have Luxrender doing work all day on 2-3 cores.

    As for the different images, LOL, what can I say, how hard is it to keep 2 versions compiled, kinda makes it a no go product if it just wastes your time?

    I'm not sure if you're replying to me....

    I didn't speak to number of cores, and the guide says that the Unix command line CAN set the number used.

    I don't know what you mean about the "2 versions compiled" and "different images"....doesn't really seam to adress the problems I'm seeing.

    Solving the file name on multiple renders from a coding standpoint isn't too much of an issue...more that it's not behaving as expressed in the manual OR in this thread.

    I do find a good reduction in speed on the render using the stand alone, though.

  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674
    edited January 2015

    Would it be possible for a PC user using 4.7 to make a .rib file with "Collect and Localize" selected, and then examine the resulting .rib file in a text editor and tell me IF the "_Collected" folder that was generated when you made the .rib file is mentioned in the text?

    I think the problem I'm having is that THAT is not happening with the Mac Version.

    EDIT: had copy of DAZ installed on a Windows Disk Image on my Mac...did a test .rib (using one of the basic pre-set characters..i guess?) , and it also doesn't refer to the _collected folder, and that didn't render right.

    But this does work for people?

    1257 x 1081 - 65K
    Post edited by Scavenger on
  • millighostmillighost Posts: 261
    edited December 1969

    Scavenger said:
    Would it be possible for a PC user using 4.7 to make a .rib file with "Collect and Localize" selected, and then examine the resulting .rib file in a text editor and tell me IF the "_Collected" folder that was generated when you made the .rib file is mentioned in the text?

    I think the problem I'm having is that THAT is not happening with the Mac Version.

    EDIT: had copy of DAZ installed on a Windows Disk Image on my Mac...did a test .rib (using one of the basic pre-set characters..i guess?) , and it also doesn't refer to the _collected folder, and that didn't render right.

    But this does work for people?

    In the PC version: with "collect and localize" there is a separate rib in the test_collected directory (if the output file name is test.rib). The main difference to the test.rib outside of the _collected is not that it refers to the _collected directory, it is what it not does: it does not refer to files inside the DS4 library (which the "uncollected" rib does).
    BTW: exporting with collect+localize enabled does not overwrite files that already exist in the _collected folder. You need to remove it, before exporting the next scene (perhaps part of your problem?).
  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,674
    edited December 1969

    Scavenger said:
    Would it be possible for a PC user using 4.7 to make a .rib file with "Collect and Localize" selected, and then examine the resulting .rib file in a text editor and tell me IF the "_Collected" folder that was generated when you made the .rib file is mentioned in the text?

    I think the problem I'm having is that THAT is not happening with the Mac Version.

    EDIT: had copy of DAZ installed on a Windows Disk Image on my Mac...did a test .rib (using one of the basic pre-set characters..i guess?) , and it also doesn't refer to the _collected folder, and that didn't render right.

    But this does work for people?

    In the PC version: with "collect and localize" there is a separate rib in the test_collected directory (if the output file name is test.rib). The main difference to the test.rib outside of the _collected is not that it refers to the _collected directory, it is what it not does: it does not refer to files inside the DS4 library (which the "uncollected" rib does).
    BTW: exporting with collect+localize enabled does not overwrite files that already exist in the _collected folder. You need to remove it, before exporting the next scene (perhaps part of your problem?).

    I think that might be where the problem is...
    I have the .rib inside the _collected folder, BUT it's a 0kb file, with nothing in it. I'll check later on if there version my Windows image creates is the same, and then proceed farther!

    Thanks for checking!

  • phomlishphomlish Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    I didn't want to post in this thread as it was so old. So I posted a new topic and watched it for a couple of days. I saw a few people viewed my topic. Today when I went to look, it's deleted. It still shows up in my subscriptions but the link takes me to page not found. That is irritating that someone can delete my post without providing me with an explanation.

    I'm trying to use the newest Daz Studio on a mac or windows to create something from an animation that I can feed into 3delight standalone. Is this possible? I can get it to work to send one image/frame, but not a series of frames.

    Yes I've read this long thread. Seems a shame that others will also have to read the entire text just to find out at the end if it is or is not possible. After so many versions and so much time has past since this thread started, a new topic related to the current version seems appropriate. I suppose the overlords with the DELETE POST button do not agree.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931
    edited December 1969

    I don't know why your link isn't working, but the thread appears to be heer (and unreplied to, I'm afraid)

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