Heros Stand [Commercial]
There are moments in every super hero comic or movie when the hero digs deep and finds their inner strength and turn the tides. I want to do a series of stands that will help you capture that moment with your super hero figures. This is the first one I have done. The impact point when the hero rallies after getting their clocks cleaned. The dust settles, there is that look in the hero's eyes that forecast the coming storm.
I could release these one at a time at a low price point or as a group at a higher cost. Not sure what you guys want more on that issue.
But I am open to input. I have two more in the works now but I will be happy to switch over to a better idea.
I have a urban power up with spinning debris, street signs, paper, maybe a hydrant.
And a landing on one knee and fist to the ground, causing a indent with pebbles jumping from the shock wave.
So let me know what you think.
Can you post some promos with the hero figure in it, to get an idea of how you envision the prop being used?
This is such an awesome Idea!!! There is so much you can do with these...
I haven't gotten to that point yet but I will when I am. Someone always getting tossed into or through a wall though so that's the main point of it.
I think it is a great idea, although a bit limited do to the constraints of the size, kinda hard to set a camera up without going outside the borders. maybe some side pieces that curve inwards a bit to allow for different camera angles.
Looks cool, I agree a little wider or maybe something modular where you can add some extra walls on the side to get more camera angles on it.
Can picture all kinds of scenes like this where hulk went on a rampage
You can just take any building prop you have and snug it up to the side and you have more option. But remember this isn't a scene it's a stand for your character. I could do a larger set if this is a hit, It might be fun. Add two buildings on either side and you have one heck of a dead end.
I can add a side wall prop. I just don't want to go to far. Keep it simple so I can keep it at a good price.
I agree with this. I understand these are stands, I just think having them as such limits usage a little. Or keep them as stands, but with an option to extend height and width or something like that. If I do a semi 45 degree angle render, the alternative buildings/props wont really match up to the stand as it just cuts off. My gut feeling is that most people would want to use these in scenes instead of just character stands.
ok, gotcha. i never use "stands", so didn't think in that context. Looks great though.
looks very kool, i always need rubble debris and destruction
A good place to place Mr Bond at ;-) Me like!
Good input. And I appreciate it. I think I'll bridge the gap between the stands and sets like the Kill Zone sets I've done. Make a wall prop that can be loaded to either side. I'll see what shakes out and post it.
Again thanks.
I like the idea of the stand...but I also like the idea of more modular pieces that could be fit together.
I really like the way the it can be turned around and used from different angle...great concept!
I do use stands at times but the most useful stuff for me would be modular sets like others have pointed out. Stands are mostly for quick renders to see how character looks with some background. For stands it is important that I can rotate the camera a bit so simple "wall" stands are not quite as good as are those that have a bit more depth.
I love all kinds of kits be it an interior kit to "build your own dungeon" or modular house, or "build your own city" exterior kit. This because I often do a render series where continuity is important (for me) and camera angles may vary.
Already know what to do with it...excellent idea....if you can make one with a road shuttered like this....;)
So here is a side wall which is a prop that can be loaded, or not. I will do another for the left and it will be different and not a mirror in case someone used both at once.
Sound good.?
looks awesome antman
Cool. Can you rotate the sidewall so it runs next to the center piece making it a long flat wall? The textures look like they match..
I think so. They are smart props but still have all the dials so just rotate 90 and slide it into place.
I definitely like it...: )
Here it is with both and a shot of left wall only. I did try doing a 90dgree rotation but the top has a cap and it cantilevers over the set. You can move them, the walls, to opposite sides so the hangover is out of the way. I guess it's never the end all to end all. Well not for under $10 that is. : )
I wonder how it looks if the impact wall could be flipped to be a crater for say an impact point. There is a need for impact options in streets for say... Large mech's, monsters, etc, alien saucers, big explosions, and this looks very nice and realistic... I realize this is not the intent of the product, but you have a nice thing going here, and I'm sure people would love a series of impact and explodey looking craters for their renders if you decide to explore more with this.
Nice. Can see a use for this for sure.
I did a render for a pop up so I thought I'd post it here.
--Walt Sterdan
Oh this is shaping up very nicely. ;-)
I'd prefer picking up a set with more than one scene prop in it. So far, I love what you've posted.
I like the idea of you selling them separately and keeping the price point nice and low. That way those with limited budgets can simply buy the ones they are interested in.
Looks awesome btw :)
On that note, I'd like it if the crater-wall and the skid-trail ground were each edge-finished so they could also be used independently of each other, since I'd like to have a stand of that impact crater alone. (Perfect for a Hulk-smashed Loki render!)
For anybody still wondering "Why a stand instead of a bigger (and therefor more versatile) backdrop?" here are links to some renders where I used stands as stands. Only the first two are AntFarm's, but they all pretty much get the point across.
Tails Entwined
Detail, Thoroughly Modern Mage
Four Arms = Bigger Hugs
Minotaur -- NOT Before Coffee!
IronBear and Pony-Hulk -- Defiant
With the side wall options it's now a hybrid of a mini set and a stand. But that's cool and it's been a very informative exchange. The more intel I get the better products I can make and we all come out winners. I talked with the team at DAZ and seem to be cool Releasing them as singles under $10... I think with money being tight and me being me that $8.95 is a very reasonable price. During the intro sale that's 30% less and even a better deal, it nets me just over $3 a unit. That's more information than you want to know but I tell you this so you can appreciate the facts, I hope you feel I'm being fair. You have been with me this far, I thought I'd let you in on the rest of the thinking as well.
I intend on doing more and if you are willing to stick with me you can help shape the next set as well.
I hope you have enjoyed having a say. I found it very helpful and I appreciate your input. Thanks.